Neshandar Asli A, Fotouhi, Pourghorbani, Mirghaffari, Jalili. R.B.C Labeled Scintigraphy in a Case with Hemorrhagic Intestinal Vascular Malformation. Research in Medicine 1995; 19 (3 and 4) :108-111
چکیده: (1335 مشاهده)
This is a case report of a 3 year-old boy with anemia and lower intestinal bleeding. Colonoscopy revealed vascular ectasia of the colon. In R.B.C labeled scintigraphy, expansion of intestinal blood pool (due to vascular malformation) and multiple bleeding sites have been identified.
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بین رشته ای ( مدیریت آموزشی، تحقیقات آموزشی، آموزش پزشکی ) دریافت: 1398/12/6 | پذیرش: 1398/12/6 | انتشار: 1398/12/6