Institute of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (1981 Views)
In order to start a goitre prevention program in Shahriar area, a survey of the disease prevalence and possible contributory factors was conducted. Three hundred and sixty seven households chosen randomly, were surveyed as to their economic, sociocultural and goitre status. Urinary excretion of iodine and iodine content of water in the area was measured. Food consumption survey demonstrated that ever60%of the families were unable to meet their requirements for calories, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin A. On the other hand over 80 percent met their requirement for protein, iron, thiamin and ascorbic acid. In this survey a correlation was not found between goitre prevalence and severity with total caloric intake but a significant reverse correlation was observed between goitre prevalence and severity on the· one hand, with iodine content in the drinking and irrigation water as wen as urinary iodine excretion, on the other. Also, significant correlation existed between goitre prevalence and severity with length of stay in the area. This survey confirms previous findings that iodine deficiency is the under lying factor in goitre although other contributory factors should also be considered.