آزمایشگاه هورمونشناسی دپارتمان بیوشیمی
چکیده: (1428 مشاهده)
It has been shown and confirmed that adrenal cortical tumours synthesize and secrete oestrogens more than normal adrenals and eventually produce feminization in some cases.
In addition to the above mentioned findings the lack of conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone has been shown to be the main biochemical disorder which causes the lack of hair growth in public area in some cases of testicular feminization.
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بین رشته ای ( مدیریت آموزشی، تحقیقات آموزشی، آموزش پزشکی ) دریافت: 1398/12/24 | پذیرش: 1398/12/24 | انتشار: 1398/12/24