Volume 5, Issue 5 (Winter 1977)                   Research in Medicine 1977, 5(5): 367-384 | Back to browse issues page

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Saghari H, Haji Tarkhani A H. Research on 20 Patients with Typhoid Tever. Research in Medicine 1977; 5 (5) :367-384
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-2867-en.html
Abstract:   (1674 Views)
In this review which was carried out on 20 pa­tients suffering from typhoid fever the following re­sults were observed: 
90% of the patients were under 30 year of age and 75'X, were female. They were hospitalized an average of J 1.75 days after onset of the disease. 
The most common symptoms were fever and headache at the onset of the disease and during hos­pitalization. The most important clinical signs and sympthoms of disease was apathy. rose spots, and hepatosplenomegaly. 
The blood cultures were positive in 50% of the cases, an important point is to preserve the blood culture for at least one week, since in 70% of the ca­ses the blood cultures were positive one week later. 
The stool cultures were positive in only 3 pa­
tients. only in 14 cases widal test was performed 
showing a titre of 1-10 or more. Anemia with a Hb < IOgo/,, was found in 20'}{, of the cases. The leukocytes were normal in 70','{,, and leukopenia was found only in 25"{,. 
One of the interesting lab-test results was an in­crease of L D H, for more than 500 units in 95% of the cases and more than 1000 units in 55'Y., which was reduced after treatment. We hope to be able to distinguish and determine the saurce of the increase of L D H in typhoid fever in our future studies of concerning !so-enzymes. 
There was no relapse of the disease and read­mission to the hospital. 
Only in one patient intestinal perforation was encountered which on whom a surgical operation was performed. 
In order to assess the effectiveness of different medication on typhoid fever 17 additional patients were studied, effectiveness of the following antibio­tics with regard to the remission of the fever were as follow: Ampicillin, chloromphenicol, cotrimoxasol and amoxicillin. 
We found two cases of relapse in patients whom treated with chloramphenicol, and two cases of treat­ment failure one with amoxicillin and other with cotrimoxasol. 
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Type of Study: Review | Subject: Interdisciplinary (Educational Management, Educational research, Statistics, Medical education
Received: 2020/03/16 | Accepted: 2020/03/16 | Published: 2020/03/16

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