Abstract: (16845 Views)
Background: Narcotics are widely prescribed to eliminate postoperative pain. The present study was designed to survey the pattern of narcotic analgesia usage in surgical wards of Taleghani hospital.
Materials and methods: This Drug Utilization Evaluation (DUE) was designed based on Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical/Defined Daily Dose (ATC/DDD). The usage of injecting narcotics including pethidine, morphine, methadone, pentazocine, and fentanyl was surveyed during a 6-month period. Finally, ridge regression analysis was performed to draw the final model of probable associated factors.
Result: Totally, 1029 patients received at least one dose of narcotic. Total usage of injecting narcotics was 335/24DDD or 4.67DDD/100 bed days. Narcotics were prescribed more frequently in the general surgery ward (129/32DDD), however, patients underwent renal transplantation received narcotics less frequently (11/175DDD). Multivariate regression analysis showed that postoperative narcotic requirement (DDD/day) has an inverse association with patient's age. Meanwhile, females consumed narcotics more frequently.
Conclusion: Younger age and female gender are associated with higher narcotic consumption. This could in part explain physiologic and psychologic aspects of these patients