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Asgari Tabatabaei, Hosein Rezaei, Khosro Mohammadi,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (April 1973)

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Mohammad Hosein Marandian, Abbas Momenzadeh, Gholamreza Valizadeh, Mahmoud Kabiri, Hoseinali Asgari, Morteza Mavasat,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (10-1973)

Presentation de 17 cas. Revue de la litterature Par: Marandian M.H., Momenzadhe A., Wali­zade G., Kabiri M., A'skari H. et Movasat M. 
Durant deux ans et demi, 17 cas de pneumo­thorax ont ete observes dans le service de Pedia­trie de !'Hospital Pahlavi de l'Univm-site de Teheran: 
1)9 de ces malades etaient ages de moins d'un an. Le malade le plus age atteint de pneumothorax spontane avait 3 ans. Cette repartition corre·spond a la frequence des infec­tions virales et bacteriennes du petit enfant. 
2)Chez tous les malades !'infection bac­terienne 'Semble la cause la plus vraisembl­able; elle est survenue dans trois cas a pres la rougeole, dans deux cas sur un terrain de corticotherapie entreprise pour une cardite rhumatismale. 
3)Le retard dans !'hospitalisation, la seve­rite de l'insuffisance cardio-respiratoire et la diffusion meningee ou ·septicemique de !'infec­tion (trois cas) expliquent que Jes signes clini­ques specifiques du pneumothorax nesoient reconnus que dans trois cas. En general, le diagnos.tic est porte devant le cliche pulmonaire, et dans six cas !'image est caracteristique de la staphylococcie pleuropulmonaire. 
4) Les germ es reconnus ont ete: dans la plevre : staphylo·coque (un cas), pneumocoque (un cas), germe-gram negatif (un cas), et un ca;s de pneumocoque dans le LCR. 
Les tentatives therapeutiques avant !'admis­sion d'une part, et l'insuffisance de nos preleve­ments d'autre part, expliquent cette carence etiologique. L'etiologie tuberculeuse n'est en cause qu'une seule fois: pneumothorax partiel de la base sequelle d'un epanchement pleural bacillaire. La ponction pleurale a visee diagno­stique ou therapeutique, est responsable de ciriq · cas de pneumothorax. 
5)La guerison sans sequelles appreciables, est obtenue par l'as·sociation de l'antibiothe­rapie le drainage pleural l'oxygene dans cinq cas, et l'antibiotherapie l'oxygene dans cinq cas, et l'antibiotherapie l'oxygene dans trois cas. Les causes des deces (huit ca·s) sont les sui­vantes: retard dans le drainage de la cavite pleurale : deux cas; generalisation de !'infection (verifiee deux fois a l'autopsie) quatre cas; et la cardiopathie primitive: deux cas. 
De la confrontation des cas personnels avec la revue de la litterature se degagent quatre notions pratiques: 
1 • -Dans certains milieux. hospitaliers, le pneumothorax est une affection relativement frequente chez les enfunts en bas age, 
2• -le pneumothorax spontane est le plus repandu, mais le pneumothorax provoque par la ponction pleurale a visee diagnostique ou thera­peutique est loin d'etre exceptionnelle. Des pre­cautions draconiennes sont a observer dans la pratique de ces gestes apparamment anodin·s.
3• -l'infection pleuro-pulmonaire est de loin l'etiologie la plus repandue du pneumothorax. Celuici peut provoquer une aggravation, voire une decompensation brutale, de l'insuffisance respiratoire d'etiologie infectieuse, et doit dans la majorite des cas etre traite par le drainage 
4• -le pronostic determine par le terrain et l'intensite de l'ihfection causale, est loin d'etre benin; le pneumothorax spontane de l'enfant demeure une grande urgence et reclame des soins attentifs. 

N Shirazian, M , Hedayati, A Aliasgari, F Azizi,
Volume 30, Issue 4 (12-2006)

Background: Thyroid antibodies have a key role in follow up of the patients with thyroid carcinoma, thus present study investigates thyroid antibodies in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Material and Methods: For this cross sectional study, 157 patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (case group) and 434 healthy subjects (control group) were included. Serum level of antithyroglubin and antiperoxidase were measured (RADIM, Italia). Antithyroglubin and antiperoxidase levels of >150u/ml and 100u/ml, respectively, were considered positive. Based on the recent intervention (surgery or radioactive iodine intake) patients were assigned in two groups of before and after 6 months and the aforementioned antibodies were checked. Results: The mean (±standard deviation) of antithyroglubin was 290±111 and 405±111 u/ml in case and control group, respectively. The mean antiperoxidase level was 257±46 and 302±73u/ml, respectively. positive antithyroglubin level was reported in 21(13.4%) cases versus 65(15%) controls (NS), however, positive antiperoxidase level was found in 6(3.8%) cases and 42(9.7%) controls (p=0.02). Conclusion: Patients with thyroid carcinoma showed similar antithyroid antibodies as healthy population, however, their level within the first 6-month following the intervention was significantly higher than 6 months after the intervention.
N Shirazian, M , Hedayati, A Aliasgari, F Azizi,
Volume 30, Issue 4 (12-2006)

Background: Thyroid antibodies have a key role in follow up of the patients with thyroid carcinoma, thus present study investigates thyroid antibodies in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Material and Methods: For this cross sectional study, 157 patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (case group) and 434 healthy subjects (control group) were included. Serum level of antithyroglubin and antiperoxidase were measured (RADIM, Italia). Antithyroglubin and antiperoxidase levels of >150u/ml and 100u/ml, respectively, were considered positive. Based on the recent intervention (surgery or radioactive iodine intake) patients were assigned in two groups of before and after 6 months and the aforementioned antibodies were checked. Results: The mean (±standard deviation) of antithyroglubin was 290±111 and 405±111 u/ml in case and control group, respectively. The mean antiperoxidase level was 257±46 and 302±73u/ml, respectively. positive antithyroglubin level was reported in 21(13.4%) cases versus 65(15%) controls (NS), however, positive antiperoxidase level was found in 6(3.8%) cases and 42(9.7%) controls (p=0.02). Conclusion: Patients with thyroid carcinoma showed similar antithyroid antibodies as healthy population, however, their level within the first 6-month following the intervention was significantly higher than 6 months after the intervention.
A Ghasemi, M Hedayati, H Biabani, A Khoshbaten, Ar Asgari,
Volume 31, Issue 1 (spring 2007)

Background: Nitric oxide (NO) is involved in numerous physiologic and phathophysiologic processes. Recently, further investigators have focused on serum NO determination. In our previous study, we validated a simple, cheap and rapid method for serum NO determination based on the Greiss reaction. Deproteinization is a necessary step for this reaction, thus, the present study was designed to assess different deproteinization methods for serum NO determination. Materials and methods: Ten common protein precipitating chemicals including methanol, ethanol, zinc sulfate, methanol/diethyl ether, acetonitrile, TCA, PCA, sodium tangstate, ammonium sulfate and filter were used for deproteinization of 42 human sera, while results were compared to filter separation as a reference. Serum NO levels were determined in 60 sera of adult human. Results: Data showed that correlation coefficient of precipitating agents: methanol, ethanol, zinc sulfate, methanol-diethylether, acetonitrile, TCA, PCA, sodium tangstate, ammonium sulfate against filter separation method were 0.84, 0.92, 0.91, 0.79, 0.88, 0.85, 0.93, 0.53, and 0.78, respectively (p<0.001). Methanol, ethanol and methanol/diethylether caused overestimation, while TCA, PCA, sodium tangstate, and ammonium sulfate caused underestimation of serum NO results. Serum NO level had normal distribution with mean ±SE of 33±1.3 μmol/L. Conclusion: Although different chemical protein precipitants are used for serum NO determination, our study revealed that zinc sulfate is the best choice for this purpose.
Parasto Gholami, Sarvin Bagheralmoosavi, Dr. Shirin Kian Ersi, Dr. Mohammad Hojjat-Farsangi, Dr. Sina Salari, Dr. Marjan Yaghmaie, Dr. Jafar Mahmoudian, Dr. Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani, Dr. Hossein Asgarian-Omran, Dr. Amirhasan Zarnani, Dr. Mahdi Shabani,
Volume 45, Issue 2 (6-2021)

Purpose: Placenta-specific protein 1 (PLAC1) is one of the members of cancer-testis antigens family that has limited expression in normal tissue, but is upregulated in a variety of malignant tissues. Considering the lack of studies on the expression of FCRL1 in CML and CLL, the current study was conducted to examine the expression pattern of PLAC1 gene in these leukemias. 
Materials and Methods: Fresh peripheral blood samples were collected from 6 CML and 10 CLL patients. In addition, peripheral blood samples of 10 healthy individuals were collected in EDTA as control group. All patients and healthy individuals signed a consent letter before sampling. The mononuclear cells were separated using ficoll-hypaque gradient centrifugation. Isolated mononuclear cells were used for RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis using RT-PCR method. Then, PLAC1 transcript expression in comparison to GAPDH were detected via Real-Time PCR. The statistical analyses were performed using chi-square test in SPSS.
Results: All 10 normal samples were negative for PLAC1. The PLAC1 expression was found to be statistically different in CML group (4 out of 6 cases) compared with that in the normal group (Pvalue = 0.000). However, CLL revealed no significant difference compared to normal individuals for PLAC1 expression (P Value = 0.648). In a significant percentage of CML patients, PLAC1 expression was positive but in CLL patients PLAC1, transcript expression was not evident. 
Conclusion: It seems that PLAC1 could potentially be proposed as a biomarker in CML to aid in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment in the future.

Mr Mohammad Reza Asgari, Dr Mahasti Amoui, Dr Mohammad Reza Deevband, Dr Mohammad Reza Kardan, Dr Mohammadali Ghodsirad, Dr Elahe Pirayesh,
Volume 48, Issue 1 (4-2024)

Background and Aim: Today, the treatment of prostate cancer and endocrine cancer by means of radiopharmaceuticals derived from lutetium-177 is the focus of many radionuclide therapy centers. One of the reasons for turning to lutetium radiopharmaceuticals is its favorable dosimetry and stability. Excreting the urine of these patients into the hospital's sewage and consequently into the city's sewage and finally into the agricultural fields causes indirect radiation exposure of the people. The aim of this study is to investigate the radiation exposure of people due to the presence of this radioactive material in urban areas.
Methods: In this cross- sectional study, the estimation of radioactivity in sewage has been done. In the first method, 18 wastewater samples were prepared in a standard volume from specific places at different times. The samples were counted using the gamma spectrometry method and the amount of radioactive substances in them was determined. In the second method, the concentration of radioactive substances in the wastewater was estimated using a mathematical model, and then the dose received by the people was calculated.
Results: The dose received by the people from lutetium the wastewater of Shahada Tajrish Hospital is estimated to be 0.00052 nanosieverts per year, so this amount is equal to 1.73E-9 of the annual permissible dose and is equivalent to 0.0000003 days of natural radiation exposure.
Conclusion: The amount of dose received by people from lutetium in the wastewater of Shohada Tajrish Hospital is very small and is much less than the annual limit. Therefore, the direct discharge of the urine of patients treated with lutetium into the sewage of the nuclear medicine department of the mentioned hospital during the quarantine period of the patient undergoing radiation treatment does not cause significant radiation to the public.

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