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Showing 120 results for Aziz

Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (September 1985)

The response tomethimazole(l-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazol,MMl) therapy was evaluated in 18 patients with diffuse toxic goitre residing in an area of iodine deficiency(Tehran)and in 18 such patients residing in an area of iodine sufficiency(Boston) .Free T4 index(FT4I) decreased from 22.9± 4.8 to 4.9± 4.3 in Tehran and from 23.8± 5.2 to 17.0±4.1 in Boston, 4 weeks after administration of MMl 10 mg three times daily. Free T3 index(FT3I) decreased from 
489±124 to 117±58 in Tehran and from 512±250 to 368tl52 in Boston. in patients residing in Tehran,FT4r was normal in 9( (6.3 in 6), above normal in one,and subnormal in 8(44%9four weeks after such therapy.In 4 of 8 patients with subnormal FT4I,serum TSH was also above normal and clinical findlngs of hypothyroidism were evident. These results indicate that treatment with recommended textbook .doses of MMl causes hypothyroidism in patients residig in Tehran, an area of iodine deficiency. Furthermore,they support the hypo­thesis that dosage of thionamide compounds and duration of their initial high doses necesaary to induce euthyroidism may vary in various parts of the world. 
Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (June 1986)

The response to methimazole and propylthiouracil was evaluated in patients with toxic goiter residing in Tehran, an area of iodine deficiency. Treatment with methimazole, 10 mg twice daily, in 15 patients decreased FT4I from 22.7±6.8 to 12.1±2.5, 10.8±2.8 and 6.0±4.3, 8, 14 and 
28 days after treatment respectively. Corresponding FT 3I values were 415±90, 196±36, 162±44 and 117±4 6.At 
28 days, FT 4I was subnormal in 7( 46%) patients, of whom one had increased TSH. Treatment with PTU, 100 mg twice daily, in 10 patients decreased FT4I from 25.1±6.8 to 13.2±2.1 and 8.5±2.1, 14 􀁀nd 28 days after treatment respectively. Corresponding FT3I values were 430±80, 210±45 and 140±35. These results indicate that treatment with recommend­ed textbook doses of antithyroid drugs may cause hypothyroidism in Tehran. 
Habibollah Mostafavi, Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (June 1986)

There is no English abstract.
Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (June 1986)

There is no English abstract.
Lida Navai, Masoud Kimiagar, Fereydoun Azizi, Maryam Yasayi, Forough Keyvani, Hossein Motevalizade-Ardekani, Jamaleddin Bastani,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (October 1986)

In order to start a goitre prevention program in Shahriar area, a survey of the disease prevalence and possible contributory factors was conducted. Three hundred and sixty seven households chosen randomly, were surveyed as to their economic, sociocultural and goitre status. Urinary excretion of iodine and iodine content of water in the area was measured. Food consumption survey demonstrated that ever60%of the families were unable to meet their requirements for calories, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin A. On the other hand over 80 percent met their requirement for protein, iron, thiamin and ascorbic acid. In this survey a correlation was not found between goitre prevalence and severity with total caloric intake but a significant reverse correlation was observed between goitre prevalence and severity on the· one hand, with iodine content in the drinking and irrigation water as wen as urinary iodine excretion, on the other. Also, significant correlation existed between goitre prevalence and severity with length of stay in the area. This survey confirms previous findings that iodine deficiency is the under lying factor in goitre although other contributory factors should also be considered. 
Mohammad Yazdani-Kachoyi, Mohammad Kargar-Sarafraz, Firooz Egieh, Mahmoud Emami-Meybodi, Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (October 1986)

Medical records of 228 patients who had undergone thyroid surgery were studied. There were 179 females and 49 males with mean age of 33-8 years. Pre-op. diagnosis was cold nodule in 4. 4 %. Pathology diagnosis was simple goiter in 54%, adenoma in 23%, thyroid cancer in 15% and colloid cyst in 5.3% of the patients. Among carcinomas 68% were papillary, 29% follicular and 3% medullary. There were17% and 3.9% cases of carcinoma among patients with Pre-op. diagnosis of cold nodule and multinodular goiter respectively. This study demonstrates that even among patients selected for thyroid surgery because of suspicion of cancer, thyroid carcinoma is rare and occurs in- 10.5% of cases. 
Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (October 1986)

There is no English abstract.
Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (September 1987)

There is no English abstract.
Parviz Tousi, Faezeh Ahmadi, Mirhadi Azizjalali,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (September 1987)

There is no English abstract.
Fereydoun Azizi, Nafarabadi Mahtalaat, Parvin Azartash, Masoud Kimiagar, Maryam Yasaei, Majid Azadegan, Minoo Habibi, Fariba Ghazanfari, Farima Farzin, Hadi Nejati,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (September 1987)

1414 school children (789 boys and 625 girls) residing in east-Tehran, were evaluated for the evidence of goiter. 88% of girls and 71.5% of boys had goiter. In 30% of girls and 17.5% of boys goiter was clearly visible (grade 2 and over). FT4I, FT3I, TSH, and thyroglobulin concentrations were not significantly different in groups with or without goiter. The concentration of iodide in urine was 21.05 ± 11.90 µg per gram of creatinine and in 67 of 69 student tested it was below 50. This study shows that Tehran is a hyperendemic goiter region. However, no thyroid dysfunction could be found in effected individuals. 
Fereydoun Azizi, Hossein Elyasi, Hamid Sohrabpour, Naser Jalali, Mahtalaat Nafarabaci,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (March 1987)

Serum concentration of FSH, LH, testosterone, prolactin,ACTH,cortisol, TSH, T ,T and resin Tuptake were measured in 146 men who were exposed to vesicants used by Iraqi regime, few days to 4 weeks prior to test'ing, Clinical and laboratory findings had confirmed that mustards had been used. Mean serum concentrations of FSH, LH, TSH and prolactin were not signi­ficantly different from normals. Free Tindex (FTI) was ·subnormal in 6 men, 4 and its mean was somewhat decreased (7 .4 ± 0.8 vs; normal 8. 7 ± 1. 2;P""- 0.05). Free Tindex (FTI) was subnormal in 14 men, and its mean was significantlylower than normal (92±20 vs 130±11; P < 0.001). Serum testosterone concentration was subnormal in 42 men, and its mean was significantly lower than normal (361 ± 254 vs 676 ± 273 ng/dl; P..( 0.001). Serum cortisol, was subnormal in 11 and above normal in 8 men, its mean was not significantly different from normal values. There was an increase in serum ACTH concentration. We conclude that exposure to chemical weapons containing mustards may cause sever alterations in serum concentrations of various hormones. 
Marzieh Ghafar Nejad, Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (September 1988)

Four year old girl was evaluated for precocious puberty. Breast development and pubic hair growth had started at age 2½ year, and had been followed by vaginal bleeding resembling periods. Gaf􀁧-au-lait spots were present in most of her skin surface. Bone x-rays showed multiple cysts in pelvis and the metaphysis of femur. Diagnosis of McCune-Albright syndrome was made. Concentrations of all hormones  were within normal limits. Treatment with medroxyprogesterone and cyproterone acetate, in separate occasions, was successful. 

Fereydoun Azizi, Mahtalaat Nafarabadi, Parvin Azartash, Behrooz Katoozian, Majid Azadegan, Hadi Nejati,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (February 1988)

779 primary and high school boys of East-Tehran were evaluated in 1984. The occurance of pubic hair and testicular development were investigated and rated according to Marshall and Tanner's clas- sification. The pubic hair begun to develop between 6.5 years and 15.1 years in all boys (mean= 9.28 ±- 1.02). In age group of 10 years 62.5%, 12 years 80%, 14 years 94.3% and 16 years 100% of the boys had developed the first signs of pubic hair development. 6% of seven years old boys had testicular enlargement. Mean age for the development of testi­cular growth was 9.79 .:!: 1.01 year. In age group of 10 years 64.1%, 12 years 85.3%, 14 years 98% and 16 years 100% of the boys showed the evidence of testicular growth. This study demonstrates that: 1) the mean age for the beginning of puberty is 1.8 years earlier in boys of East-Tehran than their Western counterparts; 2)the occurance of pubic hair preceeds the testicular development; 3) the first signs of puberty occurs earlier in boys than girls in East-Tehran. 
Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (September 1989)

Receptor disorders may produce specific clinical manifestations resembling hypo-or hyper-function of related endocrine gland. Receptor disorders can be divided into five categories: 1)Altered receptor concentration exists in insulin resistance seen in obsity, familial hypercholes­terolemia and in testicular feminization. 2) Altered receptor affinity can be seen in fasted obese patients, acromegaly and insulinoma. 3) Anti-receptor antibodies play an important role in the patho­genesis of Graves' disease, myasthenia gravis and insuline resistance. 4) Specificity spillover, where receptors of one hormone are stimulated by the excess amount of another hormone, is seen in galac­torrhea due to acromegaly, hyperthyroidism due to trophorcastic tumors, and in hypoglycemia accompanied non-islet cell tumors. 5) Abnormal receptor-effector coupling is recognized in pseudo­hypoparathyroidism due to deficiency of the nucleotide regulatory protein involved in adenylate cyclase activation. 

Niyyati, Katozian Behrooz, Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (September 1989)

In order to evaluate medical education and its related problems, study of medical students  point of view is among the important factors. For this purpose questionnaries were given ,to  518 premedical students at the basic science and physiopathology level and they were asked to  comple.te the questionnaries without mentioning their names.  In this study most of the students believed that the quantity of general, physiopathology  and basic sciences courses are sufficient and the theoric classes are relatively useful.  They have also pointed out to some deficiencies including the need for guide professors,expanding the teaching, laboratory and audiovisual facilities and also library spaces.  They have also had some suggestions to improve the quantity and quality of medical  education. This information could be used for further programing. 

Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (March 1990)

There is no English abstract.
Fereydoun Azizi, Masoumeh Miresmaeili, Maryam Azizi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (March 1990)

There is no English abstract.
Ali Asghar Mir Saeed Ghazi , Habibollah Mostafavi, Mahtalat Nafa Abadi, Fereydoun Azizi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (March 1990)

We examined 812 subjects with a history of radiation to the head for the treatment of scalp worm infestation in during childhood. 36% of the subjects had goiters grades IA and II3. Another 134 subjects ( 17%) were found to have thyroid nodularity, 85 of whom bad solitary cold nodules. 43 patients whith either a solitary cold nodule or a multinodular goiter with a priominent cold nodule were operated on. All the lesions were benign (35 colloid goiter and 8 adenoma). A focus of papillary carcinoma ( < 1cm was accidentally found in the vicinity of a colloid goiter). Thyroid function tests were normal in all except one who was hypothyroid. In those who were operated, serum  T4 was decreased and serum T 3 and thyroglobuline levels were significantly higher, as compared to those with and without goiter. This study suggests that radiation to the head in childhood may not be an etiologic factor in the development of thyroid cancer. Thyroid nodularity in this group should be managed in the same way as those who do not have history of radiation. 
Fereydon Azizi,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (September 1991)

In order to oblain the quantity of published papers, written and translated books and supervised thesis by staffs of universities of medical sciences in Iran, informationes gathered from questionnarries tilled by 53%, of proressors and associate professors of the universities. Following scores were given for each activity: paper l, book writ ten 4, book translated 2, thesis supervised 1/2 (maximum 15). The results show that mean scores obtained by professors is twice that reached by associate professors who have over 15 years length of staff ship; however it is not statistically signillcant from that obtained by associate professors who have been a member of staff for 15 years or less. Staff or laculues of health and pharmacy had higher scores than those of medical and dentisary schools. Staff of depart men ts of pharmacology, internal medicine, pediatrics and pathology obtained highest scores btween all depart men ts of medical schools. The mean score reached by all members of universities was around one per year.
This study demonstrates that there is a need for increasing research activities among staff of universities of medical sciences in Iran in particular in schools of medicine and dentisary. It also points out to the fact that younger staffs in the past 15 years have shown belier research activities.
Abas Honarhakhsh, Rasol Azizi , Mehrangiz Hatami,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (September 1991)

The widespread use of high-resolution, real time ultrasound has enabled physicians to identify a variety of fetal anatomy abnormalities. About 15-25% of fetal diseases can be diagnosed and even treated antenataly.
This is a report of a case with fetal ovarian Cyst which has been confirmed with ultrasonography both antcnataly and postantaly, and caused intestinal obstruction in neonate. There is a history of previous ovarian cyst, infertility and goiter in her mother. She got pregnant 2 years after operation of ovarian cyst without any medical treatment. As we know, this is the first report of ovarian cyst in fetus and neonate with previous history of ovarian cyst in mother.

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