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Farhang Zare, Saeed Sabeti, Javad Dehdashti, Iraj Asaadi, Siroos Anooshirvani,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 1977)

Continuing their research on D.M.P.A., the authors have assessed the serum levels of L.H and F.S.H after injecting 100 mIU L.R.F to pa­tients under D.M.P.A contraceptif treatment. 
The results show clearly that D.M.P.A blocks L.R.F at the level of hypothalamus and that the capacity of the hypophyse to respond to L.R.F and to excrete L.H and F.S.H remains intact.

Javad Dehdashti,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Summer 1977)

Abortion in an attached rndimentary uterine horn, followed by a normal intrauterine pregnancy. 
Pregnancy in an rudimentary uterus has been occured in many forms, and up to now about 350 cases have been reported in medical journals. Most of these malforma­tions accompanied with other malformations in urinary tract. 
A case of pregnancy and abortion in an attached rudi­mentary uterine horn is presented. The pregnancy was not carried to term as a result of the death of the fetus and 6 was discovered accidentally during laparatomy. Rudimen­
tary uterine horn was removed, leaving the main uterus and its attached tube intact. 
This patient was readmitted to the hospital a year and 5 months following operation with a normal term pregnancy. She delivered a normal 2800 gr. male baby vaginally. 

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