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Showing 18 results for Ghari

Hooshang Saghari,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (7-1975)

Accumulated data based on experiences with curtico,teroids in the management uf infectious disea­ses, have proved that they are very dfective and ,afe drugs provided that are administered properly. 
The Corticosteroids arc administered mainly be­c,1usc o; antitoxic, antiimflammatory a11d antiallcrgic effects, the cndotoxius are ncuturalized, generalized body reactions are diminished, damaged tissues arc repaired and tissue fibrosis and sdcrosis arc prevent­ed, thry are used in the treatment of diseases mani­fested with severe toxic state, involvement ofsupra renal glands, allergic reactions, exudation and severe ,;ibrosis. 
The corticosteroids of choiceare prednisolone and in some cases Hydrocortisone hemisuccinate, dosage is dependent on severity of the disease and usually it ranges bdween 0.512 mk./kg/24hrs. prednisolonc and equalent dose of H.CH, depending on sev-erity of the disease, duration of treatment should be con­sidered. 
The main indications o[ corticosteroids are as follows: 
Infectious diseas2s : Typlwid fever, Brurcllo,is, Septicemia, Purulent meningitises, some cases of T.B., Rheumatic fever, Viral hepatitis, Infectious mono­nucleosis, complications of Influenza and .Mumps (Orchitis)., Edematous laryngitis in children, Viral ca rdiopa thies, Post vaccination encephalitis, Toxo­plasmosis, Malaria (Cerebral), and rarely in Ricket­sil infections. 
Management of allergic reactions (Scrum seac­tions). 

Hooshang Saghari, Asghar Jamshidi, Faeze Ahmadi, Mohammad Danesh,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (Autumn 1977)

In this report two cases of acquired toxoplasmosis are reported. Both cases are brought to hospital due to skin manifestations (Macule, Papule, Urticaria) accompa­nied by lymphadenopathie and low grade fever. Positive immunoflorecen t test at the rate of  in both cases 1/6400 and positive tissue culture in one case. With regards to this point that skin eruptions are usually rare manifestations in acquired toxoplasmosis but these manifestations has been very prominent in our two reported cases. Therefore in contact to the patients with skin erup­tions it is advisable to search for adenopathie and to have in mind acquired toxoplasmosis for differential diagnosis. 

Hooshang Saghari, Amir Hasan Haji Tarkhani,
Volume 5, Issue 5 (Winter 1977)

In this review which was carried out on 20 pa­tients suffering from typhoid fever the following re­sults were observed: 
90% of the patients were under 30 year of age and 75'X, were female. They were hospitalized an average of J 1.75 days after onset of the disease. 
The most common symptoms were fever and headache at the onset of the disease and during hos­pitalization. The most important clinical signs and sympthoms of disease was apathy. rose spots, and hepatosplenomegaly. 
The blood cultures were positive in 50% of the cases, an important point is to preserve the blood culture for at least one week, since in 70% of the ca­ses the blood cultures were positive one week later. 
The stool cultures were positive in only 3 pa­
tients. only in 14 cases widal test was performed 
showing a titre of 1-10 or more. Anemia with a Hb < IOgo/,, was found in 20'}{, of the cases. The leukocytes were normal in 70','{,, and leukopenia was found only in 25"{,. 
One of the interesting lab-test results was an in­crease of L D H, for more than 500 units in 95% of the cases and more than 1000 units in 55'Y., which was reduced after treatment. We hope to be able to distinguish and determine the saurce of the increase of L D H in typhoid fever in our future studies of concerning !so-enzymes. 
There was no relapse of the disease and read­mission to the hospital. 
Only in one patient intestinal perforation was encountered which on whom a surgical operation was performed. 
In order to assess the effectiveness of different medication on typhoid fever 17 additional patients were studied, effectiveness of the following antibio­tics with regard to the remission of the fever were as follow: Ampicillin, chloromphenicol, cotrimoxasol and amoxicillin. 
We found two cases of relapse in patients whom treated with chloramphenicol, and two cases of treat­ment failure one with amoxicillin and other with cotrimoxasol. 

Hooshang Saghari, Manoochehr Rokhsar,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Spring 1981)

This article has no abstract.

Mehdi Homayoonfar, Behrooz Shahrad, Mohsen Saghari,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Spring 1981)

myocardial Scintigraphy ischemia can deor mc_mstrat_e mfarction. and It  has a higrs after onset of an mfarctl has a higrs after onset of an mfarctln and localizeh sensitivity in the first six to.twenty can belabelled pyrophosphate scan becomes four.  houuseful in the coronary care umt. The positive trction. Since the pyrophosphate scan 99mTc welve to twenty hours after onset of an becomes infate negative between in old old and infarction fresh it can m/arct1on; dif­ ferentialso give additional information about it right can aventricular involvement of the mfarction. 

Hooshang Saghari, Aman Allah Nosrati, Nikdokht Taghavi, Asghar Jamshidi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (Autumn 1983)

This article has no abstract.
Nikdokht Taghavi, Asghar Jamashidi, Faeze Ahmadi, Mohammad Jahani, Hooshang Saghari,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (Autumn 1983)

A 20 years old patient from Pakistan admitted to the hospital with fever chills cough sputum discharge and skin sore on the right wrist. In physical examination: Anemia, butterfuly pigmentation on his face, scaltered rounded pigmentation on the lower limbs enlarged spleen reaching left. iliac fossa enlarged firm liver, moist and dry rales at the base of the lungs was found on physical examination pleural effusion was established 12 days afteradmission. Laboratory tests revealed Leukopenia thrcrnbo­cytopenia low blood albumin and hypergamma globuli­nemia. In third bone marrow aspiration leishman body was found Immunofluorescence test reported positive 1 ( 4026 ) . Visceral leishmaniasis (Kala-Azar} was the diag- nosis·, treatment with Glucantim was quiet effective, and all the sings and symptoms were disappeared at  the time of discharge (rom the hospital. 

Mitra Eshghpoor, Parviz Vojdani, Hooshang Saghari, Mahmoud Khanbanpour, Masoud Mardani,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (March 1986)

There is no English Abstract.
Mitra Eshghpour, Hoshang Saghari,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (January 1992)

Herpes Zoster Cephalicus or Ramsey-Hunt syndrome is second only to Bells palsy as the most common cause of acute facial paralysis. The varicclla zoster virus is thought to be responsible for this syndrome; Involvement or the racial and auditory nerve.
In this article, a patient who was admitted with vesticular eruption of the external car with facial paralysis, and auditory symptoms is reported. The literature on Herpes zoster is also reviewed.
, , , Zardooz H1, Zahedi Asl S2, Gharib Naseri Mk1, Hedayati M2 ,
Volume 29, Issue 4 (12-2005)

Background : Several studies have shown that stress has major effects on carbohydrate metabolism. There are some evidences suggesting that stress may induce type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The effects of psychological stress however need to be investigated. The present study has investigated the role of chronic psychological stress on carbohydrate metabolism in male rats.

Materials and methods : Animals were assigned in two groups of control and stressed (n=8/group). The animals of the stressed group were exposed to different restraint stressors (1 hour twice daily) for 15 and 30 days. At the beginning and end of the experimental periods fasting blood samples were obtained by tail snipping and oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was carried out. Glucose was measured by glucose oxidase method. Insulin and corticosterone were assayed by their respective RIA kits.

Results : Fasting plasma glucose level on the 15th day of the experiment showed significant increase in the stressed rats compared to the controls. The plasma levels of glucose at 15 and 60 min after performing OGTT were significantly increased on the 15th and 30th days of the experiment in the stressed group. Fasting plasma insulin showed significant decrease on the 15th and 30th days of the experiment in the stressed group compared to the controls. On the 15th day of the experiment, at 15 and 60 min after performing OGTT the plasma level of insulin showed significant decrease in the stressed group as compared to the control group. Fasting plasma corticosterone concentration was significantly increased on the 15th day of the experiment in the stressed rats compared with the control rats and the 1st day of the experiment. In the stressed group immediately after stress exposure plasma corticosterone was significantly higher than before stress exposure, only on the 1st day of the experiment.

Conclusion : Results have revealed that chronic psychological stress can impair glucose metabolism and this effect may be mediated by changes in insulin and corticosterone secretion. However the role of other stress hormones has to be investigated.

Hanieh-Sadat Ejtahed, Golaleh Asghari, Mahdiyeh Nour-Mohammadi, Sahar Mirzaie, Parvin Mirmiran, Fereidoun Azizi,
Volume 38, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Background: Regarding to the impact of childhood and adolescence obesity on incidence of most of chronic adulthood diseases, determination of the predictors of obesity can play an important role in human health. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to compare body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist to hip ratio (WHR), waist to height ratio (WHtR) and skinfolds as predictors of percentage body fat (PBF) and diagnosis of excess adiposity in Iranian adolescents. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, all anthropometric measurements and PBF using the bioelectrical impedance analysis of 133 adolescents (65 boys and 68 girls), aged 10-18 years, were taken. Linear regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis were used to analyze the data, adjusting for potential covariates including sex, age, and pubertal stage. Results: BMI explained 67% of between-subject variance in PBF and R2adj of models revealed that prediction of PBF by BMI was better than other indices (P< 0.001). The AUC value for BMI to differentiate between the excess adiposity and normal PBF was 0.92 (P< 0.001), which was significantly higher than those for WC, WHR, and WHtR (P< 0.05). Conclusion: The performance of BMI is better than other anthropometric indices in predicting PBF and diagnosing excess adiposity in Iranian adolescents.

Parisa Amiri, Atieh Amouzegar, Safoora Gharibzadeh, Elham Kazemian, Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani, Fereidoun Azizi,
Volume 38, Issue 2 (8-2014)

 Background: providers and policy makers to identify programs and plan capable to balance birth could use Information about women’s beliefs and preferences regarding their choice of birth control methods. The aim of the current study is to investigate socio-behavioral and reproductive factors influencing the choice of contraceptive methods among a large number of Tehranian women.
Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 2551 women divided into five groups according to their birth control methods, which included: hormonal, mechanical, natural, permanent and mixed methods of contraception. All socio-demographic, behavioral and reproductive data were extracted from the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study data bank.
Results: The mean age of subjects was 39.4±10.5 Hormonal(0.66%) and natural (37.12%) methods were the least and most popular methods among participants, respectively. The odds of hormonal (OR: 0.96 95%CI: 0.94-0.98), mechanical (OR: 0.97) and mixed methods (OR: 0.91) declined with increasing age. Compared with higher educated women, participants with secondary school (OR: 2.08) education were more likely to use permanent methods. Women with 3-5 living children had more tendencies to use permanent contraception. The past history of abortion decreased the odds of choosing hormonal methods of contraception(OR: 0.60).
Conclusion: Age, education, parity, number of living children, abortion and smoking are associated with choice of contraceptive methods among Tehranian women and these information could be used for family planning. Keywords: Socio-behavioral determinants, Reproductive, Contraception.

Dr Mehdi Mohammadzadeh, Dr Pegah Rasuli, Dr Tayebeh Ghari,
Volume 41, Issue 2 (7-2017)

Background and Aim: Variety in the pharmaceutical products and therapeutic groups, development of new pharmaceutical products and heavy costs in the pharmaceutical marketing, force the firms to attend in the specific area, related products and defined basket in order to decrease high marketing costs and act highly and accurately in the target market, costumer recognition and competitor analysis. To do this, market of cardiovascular disease as the most important parts of the pharmaceutical marketing has been evaluated during 15 years.

Materials and Methods: To do this, sale's statistics of 29 cardiovascular drugs were collected from official Iran drug list through 15 years. Then in order to forecast the consumption of each category, linear regression was used. A correlation between variables was tested by Pearson correlation coefficient.

Results: our results showed that Beta blockers and Nitrates from cardio drugs and Platelet aggregation inhibitors and Statins from vascular drugs have the highest consumption in comparison with other drugs. Also there is a positive correlation between total numbers of sales of cardio drugs, vascular drugs and cardiovascular drugs and middle age with correlation coefficients of 0.976, 0.979 and 0.976 and confidence interval of 95% and there is no correlation between the mentioned items and Gross domestic product. Cardiovascular drug consumption will increase by aging of the population. Gross domestic product will not affect the people payment’s ability

Conclusion: Based on our results, it is better for pharmaceutical companies to pay more attention to Beta blockers and Nitrates from cardio drugs and Platelet aggregation inhibitors and Statins from vascular drugs in order to decrease high marketing costs and act highly and accurately in the target market.

Ararni Fahimeh Baghbani, Azadeh Shojaei, Kollahi Neda Asghari,
Volume 42, Issue 2 (6-2018)


Background: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is an inherited hereditary autosomal recessive heredity, which is often induced by mutation in the CYP21A2 gene. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of cluster exon 6 mutation among patients with CAH deficient in 21-OHD enzyme in Iranian population.

Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study and Blood samples were collected from 25 patients with CAH who referred to Ali Asghar Hospital in Tehran. After extraction of genomic DNA, the region containing the cluster gene exon 6 gene was amplified by PCR and then sequenced. Finally, by analyzing sequences, the frequency of cluster mutation exon 6 was determined in the population studied.

Results: 15 patients (60%) had an cluster mutation of exon 6, so that in all of them, three mutations V236E, I236N and M238K were observed as heterozygote. This mutation in the healthy parents of these patients were also identified as heterozygote.

Conclusion: it seems that cluster E6 mutation in the heterozygote form alone does not lead to disease, and it is necessary to examine the presence of other mutations in the gene. While this mutation may be present as compound heterozygote along with other mutations in the rest of the exons in patients.

Behrooz Navayinia, Sara Asgharian, Shiva Rahimipour_anaraki,
Volume 44, Issue 1 (3-2020)

Background: Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with an increased risk of atherosclerotic disease. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality in RA patients. Understanding the risk factors affecting the chance of developing metabolic syndrome can reduce cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in RA patients.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 200 patients with RA according to ACR classification from patients referred to rheumatology clinic of Imam Khomeini Hospital from October 2013 to September 2013. The main outcome of the study was the prevalence of metabolic syndrome based on two criteria of the International Diabetes Federation and the Iranian definition. Secondary outcomes The prevalence of different components of the metabolic syndrome and the association of different demographic, anthropometric, laboratory and medication variables of RA patients with the chi-square test were statistically analyzed 
Results: Metabolic syndrome was significantly associated with cigarette smoking. Among the medications used in RA patients, prednisolone (glucocorticoids) and azathioprine were associated with a significantly increased chance of developing metabolic syndrome. (P˂0.05) and no significant relationship was found between metabolic syndrome and inflammatory factors CRP;or ESR, anti CCP, and RF. But the level of DRA in patients with metabolic syndrome was lower than in others. (P˂0 / 05)
Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome is highly prevalent in patients with RA. Considering the risk factors responsible for the increased risk of metabolic syndrome in this potentially high-risk population

Saeedeh Zolfaghari, Ali Neamati,
Volume 45, Issue 2 (6-2021)

Background and Aim: Asthma is a complex and chronic inflammatory disease that causes numerous changes in the shape and function of the respiratory system, including reversible obstruction and stenosis, severe response, and alteration of the airway model, and other body systems, such as the immune system, the nervous system, and the endocrine system. It also affects the psyche of the patient. Today, due to the side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs, there is a growing desire to use traditional medicine. Bee venom due to the presence of numerous antioxidants and anti-inflammatory factors can prevent the increase of free radicals and is effective in reducing the complications of asthma.
Materials and Methods: To evaluate bee poison, 32 rats (Wistar) were divided into four groups of control, asthma, and asthma receiving categorized 0/5 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg. To inflict the experimental asthma, rats received injective–inhalation ovalbumin. Along with receiving asthma, the treatment groups received bee poison during 10 days, too. At the end of the experiment, the samples were dissected and their lavage fluid was extracted, the white blood cell counted, and the percentages of monocytes and eosinophils in the lavage fluid of the four groups were determined and compared using SPSS running ANOVA with the significance value set at .
Results: The results showed that the total number of white blood cells, with the mean and standard deviation of 229 ± 34 (P≤0.01), percentage of monocytes with the mean of 1.71 ± 0.18 (P≤0.001), and vasinophils with the mean of 1.63 ± 0.26 (P≤0.01) in asthma samples increased significantly compared with those of the control samples.
Conclusion: According to the results, it seems that, due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, bee venom may be effective in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, such as asthma.

Soghari Afkaneh, Fatemeh Sabzi Zameleh,
Volume 48, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Background and Aim: Considering the importance of professional performance in personnel, especially nursing personnel, and the importance of factors related to it, such as knowledge management and organizational learning, this research was carried out in 1402 on the nursing personnel of Shahid University of Medical Sciences. Beheshti took place. So far not enough studies have been conducted in this field.
Methods: In this Correlation research, statistical population consisted of 6,000 nurses at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, 361 of them were selected by random stratified sampling using Morgan's sample size estimation table. In order to collect the required information, Lawson's standard knowledge management questionnaires, Nifeh's organizational learning standard questionnaires, and Hersey's and Goldsmith's standard organizational performance questionnaires were used. In order to measure knowledge management with 24 questions including 6 components were used. The components consisted of knowledge creation, knowledge absorption, knowledge organization, knowledge storage, knowledge dissemination, and knowledge application based on a five- point Likert spectrum with questions such as (the organization responds appropriately to constructive ideas and provides them with documents to write down the knowledge of the employees .). In order to measure organizational learning, 33 questions with 7 options were used. This questionnaire has 7 components of common vision, organizational culture, teamwork and learning, knowledge sharing, systems thinking, collaborative leadership and development of employees' competencies. Respondents were asked to indicate their opinion on each item on a seven-point scale. In order to measure organizational performance, 42 questions with 5 options including dimensions of organizational performance were used. 7 components of ability, clarity, help, incentive, evaluation, credibility and environment were measured. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to check the validity of the tests.
Results: The findings were made on 361 nurses; 24.3% of the respondents were male, and 75.7% of the respondents were female. The rank of knowledge management was (2.98 ± 0.68) and the amount of organizational learning was (3.17 ± 1.13) and there was a correlation between knowledge management and organizational performance (r = 0.08) and between organizational learning and performance. A very good organizational correlation was obtained with a correlation coefficient of 0.95.
Conclusion: The findings showed that at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, there is a correlation between knowledge management and organizational learning and organizational performance. In addition, an experimental study to investigate the impact of knowledge management and organizational learning on organizational performance is recommended.
Mr Javad Raeisi, Mr Mohammad Reza Zolfaghari, Mrs Mana Oloomi, Mr Seyed Davar Siadat, Mr Mohsen Zargar, Mrs Zahra Salehi,
Volume 48, Issue 3 (12-2024)

Background and Aim: The significance of the microbiota as an ecosystem in our bodies has been well established. Recent studies have reported the presence of bacteria in the blood of healthy individuals. Our study aims to characterize the bacterial microbiota in human blood through 16S rRNA region sequencing. This study highlights the importance of method selection by focusing on the strains cultured in growth media.
Methods: This descriptive study collected 50 blood samples from healthy volunteers, following previous research protocols. In this study, a healthy individual is defined as someone who meets the following criteria: absence of chronic diseases or active infections. Blood samples were cultured in the Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth medium under controlled conditions. DNA was extracted from the resulting colonies. The 16S rRNA region was amplified, and amplicons were sequenced in both directions.
Results: Five out of fifty (10%) blood samples exhibited bacterial growth. All samples with bacterial growth were from females aged 25-43 years. BLAST analysis of the bacterial isolates revealed Staphylococcus epidermidis was identified in two samples with similarity percentages of 97.7% and 97.78%, respectively. Staphylococcus hominis was detected in one sample with a similarity of 99.05%. Additionally, a Bacillus species was found in one sample with a similarity of 98.62%, and Bacillus subtilis was identified in one sample with a similarity of 91.28%. Statistical analysis using Fisher's exact test did not reveal a significant relationship between age and the isolated bacterial strains
(P-value > 0.05).

Conclusion: It seems that this species identification method can be used for diagnosis purposes. It recommends further research

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