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Showing 7 results for Saadat

Mohamadreza Motamedi, Naser Alihojati, Habibollah Saadat,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (September 1987)

​Congenital anomalies of the coronary arteries have been a known subject  since the advent of cardiac angiography, and has been a subject of special interest by both cardiologists and cardiac surgeons,  We have tried in this article to present a case of anomalous origin of LAD from RCA (RMT) in a 55 year old lady (Mrs. B.J.) and to completely dis­cuss this subject. It's worthmentioning that this kind of anomaly consti -tutes 4 % of anomalies accompanying tetralogy of fallot but presence of this kind of anomaly in pure form anomaly is extremely rare. 
Navid Saadat, Robabe Sheikholeslam, Mah Talat Nafarabadi , Firozeh Jazayeri, Fereydon Azizi ,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (September 1998)

Previous studies have clearly shown that the injection of iodized oil in the pregnant women may be a prophylactic strategy for IDD (Iodine Deficiency Disorders) and could improve the growth indices of their offsprings. Since the administration of pharmacological doses of iodine may occasionally lead to large goiter and rarely hypothyroidism, in the present study the thyroid function tests of the neonates and infants born to women who received 1 ml (480 mg) of iodized oil (Lipiodol) intramuscularly during pregnancy in the years 1993-94 were assessed and compared to control group. Two hundred sixty nine cord blood samples from Mazandaran and Kohkiluyeh & Boyerahmad provinces, 117 in the experimental (injected) and 152 in the control (noninjected) group and 1015 blood samples of the neonates and infants from Mazandaran province consist of 539 in the experimental and 476 in the control groups were obtained and T4, T3, and TSH concentrations were measured with commertial RIA Kits. In the cord samples in whom the iodized oil was administered in the second trimester of pregnancy, T4 was lower than the control group: 10.8±2.6 vs 11.6±2.6 µg/dl,
respectively (P<0.01). T, and TSH concentration did not differ: 56±30 vs 60±31 ng/dl and 8.2± 5.6 vs 6.9±5.3 µU/ml, respectively. In the neonates and infants, T4 and TSH concentrations did not show any significant difference(s) between the experimental and control groups: 13.8±3.1 vs 13.1±3.1 µg/dl and 2.8 ±4.7 vs 3.4 ±6.3 µU/ml, respectively. Mean T, concentration in the experimental group was higher than control: 228 ±78 vs 198±82 ng/dl, respectively (P<0.001). T3, concentrations in infants born to mothers injected in the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy were 198±50, 233±75 and 242 ±81 ng/dl, respectively. TSH concentrations were higher in those subjects being injected iodized oil in the first trimester of pregnancy than in the second trimester: 3.4±2.0 vs 2.3±1.5 µU/ml, respectively (P<0.001). In conclusion, iodized oil injection during pregnancy would not lead to any significant alteration(s) in T4, and TSH concentrations in the cord blood samples and also in the neonates However, it may increase T3, concentration and this increment was closely related to the time of injection and delivery.

Navid Saadat, Payam Samareh-Pahlevan,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (June 1998)

Parathyroid carcinoma is a rare cause of primary hyperparathyroidism and occurs in one percent of cases. Most of the patients at the time of diagnosis are young and the mean age is 40 year-old and occur with equal frequency in both sexes. In most series, serum calcium levels are  14 mg/dl and in half of them, a palpable cervical mass is evident. Clinical manifestations are maily due to hypercalcemia per se and include fatigue, weakness, bone pain, nephrolithiasis, polydipsia and polyuria; local and distant metastases occur only late in the course of disease. This unique case is the second one reported in Iran who came with fatigue, weakness, recurrent nephrolithiasis, right-sided mandibular tumor and a palpable neck mass. The patient underwent surgical extirpation of tumor plus ipsilateral thyroid lobectomy and discharged from the hospital in good condition. In five years follow up since the first surgery, there is no evidence of tumor recurrence and/or hypercalcemia.

N Saadati, F Azizi,
Volume 25, Issue 3 (9-2001)

"Tehran prospective survey of lipid and sugar" is the first biggest epidemiologic study in Iran, conducted with the aim of determining the etiologic factors of cardiovascular disease in Tehran urban residents. This study, covering a vast majority of the population, was begun with society recognition and just like other prospective studies has paid more attention to social relations.

Familiarizing the society with research objectives and encouraging them to active participation were among the most determining factors observed exactly in this survey. This was entrusted to the "group of social relations", composed of social workers and health assistants of East Health Services System. They have face to face communication with the studied society and have covered about 17000 cases within the first two years in Tehran 13th District. Despite being aware of weak points of therapeutic and health services and also employing previous experiments, we have faced numerous unpredictable problems. However, resolving these problems has brought us valuable experiences, steering us towards facilitated next steps. In this study we have taking advantage of voluntary "health assistants" and 3 Health Services Centers supervised by Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Removing opposing tendencies towards public health services, spending adequate time for explaining and conducting the research, achieving strategies for cultural beliefs' concurrence, and finding ways of population excitement for participation were other activities performed in our study.

S Seyedmousavi, A Ghanbarian, M Seyedahadi, N Saadat, F , Azizi,
Volume 30, Issue 4 (12-2006)

Background: The aim of this study was to assess non-communicable disease risk factors in children of parents with an ECG evidence of myocardial infarction (MI), and compare them with children from families with no such parental history. Materials and methods: Of 15005 participants in the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study, all individuals over the age of 30 years underwent routine ECG exams. Among these, 303 off springs aged 3-30 years, who had one or two parents with possible or probable myocardial infarction (MI) according to the Minnesota coding were selected. An age and sex-matched sample of 601 off springs who had no parental evidence of ECG-defined MI were randomly selected as the control group. Risk factors studied were: BMI, blood pressure, FBS, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglycerides and the metabolic syndrome. Results: A "paternal" and "parental" history of MI was associated with a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity, respectively, (34.9% vs. 24.8 %) and a lower prevalence of high blood pressure, (12.2% vs. 18.1%), in their off springs. Likewise, in male children of fathers or both parents with ECG evidence of MI, a lower prevalence of hypertension was noticed, Compared with the control group, in female children of mothers with a history of MI,a higher prevalence of elevated serum LDL-C was found (28.0% vs. 10.7%) (p<0.05). Paternal MI was associated with increased prevalence of higher body mass indices (BMI) in their off springs (OR=1.6 95% CI: 1.1-2.4p<0.05). Conclusion: There is a significant familial correlation between paternal history of MI and overweight and obesity in their offspring.
Mohammad Hassan Namazi1, Reza Mohseni Badalabadi1, Naser Vallaei2, Morteza Safi1, Habibollah Saadat1, Hossein Vakili1, Mohammad Reza Motamedi1, Maryam Taherkhani3,
Volume 33, Issue 4 (2-2010)

Abstract Backgraound: Renal artery stenosis is a cause of secondary hypertension. Regarding known complication of this disease and possible positive effects of renal artery angioplasty on diastolic function, this study performed among patients with renal artery stenosis. Methods: This clinical trial, with before and after design, was performed on 35 eligible patients. Patients with renal artery stenosis (70% stenosis alone, or 50% stenosis with uncontrolled hypertension) which underwent stent– supported precutanous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) were evaluated by Doppler echo and tissue Doppler before and six months after angioplasty. Isovolumic Relaxation Time (IVRT), Deceleration time (DT), E/A, E/Ea and diastolic function were studied. Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon test. Results: 35 patients, including 11 male (31.4 percent) and 24 female (68.6 percent), with mean age (± standard deviation) of 59.6±10.2 years were studied. Renal artery angioplasty doesn’t affect on IVRT and E/A, but it decreased DT and E/Ea to 30.9±54.9 milliseconds (p< 0.002) and 0.44±0.9 (p< 0.04), respectively. Conclusion: It seems that renal artery angioplasty doesn’t alter type of diastolic function, but it decreases E/Ea, as a parameter representing diastolic function. Keywords: Renal artery stenosis, Renal artery angioplasty, Diastolic function.
Morteza Safi, Abdolkarim Hazifi, Hossein Vakili, Habibollah Saadat, Mohammad Hassan Namazi, Hamed Faridnia,
Volume 35, Issue 4 (2-2012)

Abstract Background: Conflicting data exist regarding the outcome of primary percutaneous coronary intervention, (PPCI) performed during the night hours. We sought to investigate this issue in a tertiary care center dealing with a high load of STEMI patients. Methods: Seventy three consecutive patients presenting with STEMI were divided in 2 groups with similar baseline characteristics. In-hospital mortality and morbidity during one month between March and April 2010 was analyzed between those treated with PPCI during normal-hours, (weekdays, 7AM to 7pm) vs. those in whom PPCI was done after normal working hours, (7pm to 7am). Results: Mortality was 16.1% in normal-hours group and 4.8% in off-hours group (p<0.2) morbidity was 3.2% and 2.4% respectively (p<0.9) and angioplasty success was 100% in both groups. Conclusion: PPCI can be performed safely during the night. Keywords: STEMI, PPCI, Mortality, Morbidity, Angioplasty.

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