Showing 31 results for fallah
Mohammad Fallah,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (September 1992)
Human cryptosporidiosis has not been reported in Iran till claw, however this infection was reported here from native rooster and lambs. this is the first time report of the cryptosporidiosis from the west of Iran. The cases were three children of one year; two years and three years of age one being male and two female. These children manifested as common cold in their prodromal followed by acute diarrhea. The course of the disease was seven days in one, 11 days in another and 16 days in the third case. Shedding of oocyst in these cases was seen up to 9 to 21 days after remission of clinical signes and symptoms. Stool examination for ova and parasite and bacterial culture were negative. Modified Ziebl-Neelson staining showed many oocysts in stool smears. Except fluid and electrolyte replacement these children were not subjected to any drug treatment and the disease bad a natural remission.
Parviz Azad Fallahi, Mahmoud Dezhkam,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (March 1994)
This article has no abstract.
Mohammad Hossein Fallahzadeh, Mohammad Karimi,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (Spring 1999)
Considering the great advances regarding the diagnosis and treatment of peritonitis and with respect to the prevalence of patients with primary peritonitis referred to hospitals affiliated to Shiraz university of Medical sciences, this study was performed to evaluate the predisposing and prognostic factors of this condition in children during the years 1982-1992
The descriptive protocol of this study was performed on 1 month to 14
years old children with a diagnosis of primary peritonitis in children wards of Shiraz University of Medical Science from 1982 to 1992. The patients were studied for age, gender, background illness and laboratory findings. The results were statistically analyzed by the related descriptive methods.
65 cases of primary peritonitis were identified in 50 patients during 1 O years. The ratio of boys to girls was 1.6 and the average age was 7.75 ± 3.4. The most common affected group (41%) was the age group 3-6 years. The most significant clinical findings were fever, abdominal pain and abdominal distension, and stomachache. In addition increased number of leukocytes and neutrophilia were helpful in its diagnosis. A weak relationship was found for Gram staining of peritoneal fluid and its culture and blood and urine culture. In more than half of the patients, the culture result for peritoneal fluid was negative. Almost in all patients there existed a background illness (nephrotic syndrome, hepatic disorders and/or urinary tract infection), but in those patients with nephrotic syndrome consuming prednisolone, primary peritonitis was unusual. Escherechia coli ( 46%) was the most common microorganism isolated from peritoneal fluid. Combination of ampicillin and gentamicin was very effective in 97% of cases consumed for a period of 4 to 18 days (an average of 9.2 ± 2.6 days) and in none of the cases, no mortality was reported as a result of infection.
Masomeh Fallahian, Giti Ozgoli,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (Winter 1999)
The present study was performed to determine the relationship vaginal bleeding in first half of pregnancy and fate of pregnancy in referrals of teaching hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences during the years 1993-1994.
The case-control strategy of this study was carried out on 432 patients. In this respect, 216 ( case group) out of them had vaginal bleeding during the first half of pregnancy and the remainder had no history of bleeding (control group). Both groups were nearly alike regarding knowledge, occupation, the surveillance of pregnancy period, number of conceptions and labors, interval between pregnancies, bearing a dead baby, and premature labor. For collection of data, an interview was set. The variables were premature labor, birth-time low weight, and perinatal mortality.
The results showed that there is a significant relationship between vaginal bleeding in first half of pregnancy and premature labor (P<0.05) and birth-time low weight (P<0.02), but there is not such a relationship for perinatal mortality.
Mohammad Hossein Fallah Zadeh , Maryam Jamali Shirazi ,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (Summer 2000)
Chronic renal failure is an uncommon disease in children with some difference in the etiology in different countries. In this study on 180 children (From 1987 to 1997 in Shiraz) with age range of 3 months to 15 years (mean 8.6±4.2 years). The male to female ratio was 1. 57: 1. The etiology of chronic renal failure in decreasing order of frequency were: reflux nephropathy (25 % ) , glbmerular diseases ( 15 % ) , heredofamilial disorders (15 % ) , urinary stone and nephrocalcinosis ( 12 % ) , pyelonephritis without reflux or other anomalies (9%), vascular disorders (8%), hypoplasia or dysplasia (3 % ) and unknown ( 14 % ) . In 56 % of patients with reflux nephropathy, the cause of reflux was not found (primary). The frequency of disease had a positive correlation with age, ranging from 11.1 % in infancy to 38.4 % in 10 to 15 years. In conclusion reflux nephropathy which can be a preventable disease is the most common, and urinary stone is a relatively common cause of chronic renal failure in this center, which is quite different from reports of most Europian centers.
A Behvad, M Lesani, H Golkari, A Fallah,
Volume 25, Issue 3 (9-2001)
Myotonia chondrodystrophia, which is easier to diagnose than describe, is a rare congenital disorder inherited as an autosomal recessive. Myotonia is accompanied by chondrodystrophia and epiphyseal dysplasia. Affected individuals are presenting with growth retardation, pectus carinatum, sadly appearance of face, blepharophimosis, ear and dental abnormalities, puckered lips, and hypertrophic muscles. Articular contractures especially in elbow are existing and patients had problems in gait. EMG changes are usually used to differentiate it from congenital myotonia. Immune deficiency disorders are not noted and its etiology is still remained unknown. Therapeutic affaires are of less importance.
Case report: we have presented an 8-year old boy referring due to facial deformity. His parents have stated that he had facial deformity and problems in gait since 6 years ago. His problem had progressive course. He had problems in sitting, standing up, and going up stairs, but he had never fallen down. His past medical history has revealed nothing. Now, he is studying in primary school and is a good student, too. His parents were not relevant. He is the second child and the other two children are normal. He has the following indices: Body weight: 21kg, height: 116cm, head circumference: 52 cm, chest: 80cm, BP: 100/60 mmHg, T:37.1 °c.
, , , Eslami G, Mardaneh J, Fallah F, Goudarzi H ,
Volume 29, Issue 1 (3-2005)
Staphylococcus aureus-induced septic polyarthritis is a rare entity characterized by the involvement of multiple joints. IV drug abusers are at increased risk, and it could be fatal if prompt intervention is delayed.
Case report: A 30–year old male addict, (IV drug abuser), was admitted in Loghman hospital with high fever (38.5ºC), pulmonary symptoms, (cough and suppurative sputum), and pain and swelling in knees, ankles and both wrist joints. Blood and synovial fluid cultures were taken and the diagnosis of staphylococcus aureus-induced septic polyarthritis was confirmed. He was treated with vancomycin, penicillin and cephazolin. Although septic polyarthritis is a rare life-threatening condition, it should be kept in mind in immunocompromised subjects and IV drug abusers. Complete recovery is feasible with prompt diagnosis and intervention.
KEYWORDS: Septic polyarthritis, Staphylococcus aureus.
, Fallah R , Ghofrani M ,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (6-2005)
Background therapy. The present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and side effects of topiramate as an add-on therapy in drug-resistant ( intractable) epilepsies .
Materials and methods hospital with refractory epilepsy were enrolled. The study population included 14 girls and 28 boys, aged 1-15 years. Seizure attacks were not controlled despite receiving 4-13 drugs (mean 9). Topiramate was added to the patient's drug in a 4-week titration regimen (1 st week 3, 2 nd week 5, 3 rd week 7, and 4 th week 9mg/kg). Then , after 3 months he/she was reevaluated .
Results progressive myoclonic epilepsy were revealed in 14 (34%), 8(19%), 16(38%), and 4(9%), respectively . After the 3-month add-on therapy with topiramate, 17% became seizure-free and the frequency of seizure attacks decreased by 50% in 26% of the patients , however, attacks were exacerbated in 5%. Fortunately, hematologic, renal or hepatic side effects were not reported, however, mild transient neurologic complications were observed in 12% of the patients .
Conclusion intractable seizures
, , , , , , , Goodarzi H, Jamaati Hr, Norouzi J, Eslami G, Fallah F, Soleimani Rahbar Aa, Taheri S, Khanipour Rr: ,
Volume 29, Issue 4 (12-2005)
Background : Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a common health problem and one of the main mortality factors worldwide. Legionella pneumophila is one of the most common responsible microorganisms for CAP and may lead to severe complications if left untreated. The present study was conducted to determine the frequency of this organism in patients with CAP.
Materials and methods : We enrolled 118 patients with CAP, COPD and asthma in Masihdaneshvari Medical center during 2004–2005. For microbiological purposes sputum culture and legionella urinary antigen measurement were achieved.
Results : The study population included 32 females and 86 males, their age range 58-77 years. The most frequently isolated respiratory microorganism were: streptococcus pneumonia (88%), candida spp. (76.2%), streptococcus beta-hemolytic (61.8%), staphylococcus (40.6%), klebsiella spp. (27.1%), fungi (16.1%), E.coli (8.4%), pseudomonas spp. (5.1%). Dyspnea, cough, sputum production, and fever were the most common findings. Smoking was the most commonly found risk factor.
Conclusion : Atypical pathogens are responsible for 40% of community-acquired pneumonia and several studies have ranked legionella pneumophila among the three most common microbial cause of CAP in patients admitted to the hospitals. So this is important to notice that urinary antigen test is particularly useful, simple and rapid test for legionella positive cases, because it is often easier to obtain urine in ill patients and the results can be available within hours and also reliable to commence treatment.
, , , , , Fallah F, Eslami G, Goudarzi H, Taheri S, Jadali F, Feyzbakhsh K ,
Volume 30, Issue 1 (3-2006)
Nocardia could be transmitted to lungs through dust particles then transmitted to other organs via vascular system. We describe a 11-year old boy presenting with headache and vomiting. CT studies revealed hemorrhage in his right hemisphere as well as cerebral edema. He was hospitalized with primary diagnosis of hydrocephaly and pseudotumor cerebri. Further studies showed nocardia astroides in acid fast and blood agar culture.
, , , , , , , Mohammad Alizadeh Ah, Rezazadeh M, Ranjbar M, Fallahian F, Hadjilooi M , Mousavi M, Abbasi M, Zali ,
Volume 30, Issue 2 (6-2006)
Background: Hemophilia is a x-linked deficiency of factor VIII. The aim of the present study was to determine the frequencies of hepatitis B and C infections, markers of inflammation and liver function tests and also to assess the possible association between factor VIII inhibitor and hepatitis B and C infections in hemophiliacs of Hamedan Province of Iran.
Materials and methods: Sixty-six patients with confirmed diagnosis of hemophilia were included, for whom, hepatitis B and C serology, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), factor VIII level and factor VIII inhibitor were evaluated.
Results: Frequencies of hepatitis C antibody and hepatitis B surface antigen were 59.1% and 5%, respectively. Frequency of factor VIII inhibitor was 47.8% in hemophilia A group, and its presence was not neither associated significantly with hepatitis B or C infections nor with AST or ALT levels. There was a significant statistical association between duration of hemophilia and development of factor VIII inhibitor (P<0.03) and hepatitis C (p<0.01).
Conclusions: Frequencies of hepatitis C and B are significant in hemophiliacs. Indeed, current screening of blood products might not be complete for elimination of blood-borne viruses and we strictly suggest revising this process in transfusion centers.
F Fallah, G Eslami, J Khoshnevis, H Goudarzi, M Habibi, E , Azargashb, ,
Volume 30, Issue 4 (12-2006)
Background: Diabetic foot infections are a potentially severe complication of diabetes. Diabetic foot infections can sometimes lead to long-term debilitation and, in the most severe cases, amputation. They are the most common infections in patients with diabetes, whose weakened immune systems put them at an increased risk of acquiring antibiotic resistant infections.
Materials and methods: For this descriptive study, 120 diabetic patients (30 women and 90 men age ranged between 45-65 years and disease duration of 0.5 to 37 years) were investigated. Immediately after the hospitalization, specimens from infected foot lesions were taken using Thio and BHI as transport medium. Aerobic cultures were carried out in all cases according to conventional methods while anaerobic cultures were performed when appropriate. Finally, susceptibility tests were performed on isolated microorganism.
Result: Totally, 75% of cases were polymicrobial infections. We isolated gram positive cocci 95%, gram positive bacilli 35%, gram negative 55% and mycobacterium 10%. Meanwhile, we found that 12.5% of our bacteria were anaerobic and 87.5% were facultative aerobic bacteria. In antimicrobial susceptibility testing, Rifampin was the most effective antibiotic against S.aureus and peptostreptococcus. Surprisingly, E.coli was resistant to all tested antibiotics.
Conclusion: Diabetic foot infections have a polymicrobial nature. Antibiotic treatment of infections should be prescribed on the results of microbiological investigation.
Ah Mohammadalizadeh, F Fallahian, M Alavian, F Rahimi, M Hedayati, E Eini, Mr Zali, F Azizi,
Volume 31, Issue 2 (9-2007)
Background: We studied the effects of serum iron level, hepatic iron deposition and other metabolic disorders i.e., insulin resistance in hepatic fibrosis development.
Materials and methods: Among 60 patients with chronic hepatitis C, we measured serum iron, ferritin and transferrin level. Meanwhile, hepatic biopsies were obtained from 43 patients for whom iron deposition, inflammatory necrosis/fibrosis score and steatosis were determined.
Results: Hepatic iron deposition was significantly associated with waist circumference, ferritin level >200ng/ml, fasting C-peptide >1.9ng/ml, AST/ALT ratio >1, and fasting triglyceride >200mg/dl. On the other hand, it was not correlated with the following: grading, preportal-precital hepatitis (A), necrosis (b), focal lytic necrosis (C), focal apoptosis (C), and portal inflammation (D).
Conclusion: Our findings suggested an interaction between hepatic iron deposition and waist circumference, ferritin, fasting C-peptide, AST/ALT, and fasting triglyceride.
G Eslami, M Golshani, M Rakhshan, F Fallah, H Goudarzi, A Taghavi,
Volume 31, Issue 4 (7-2007)
Background: Bladder cancer is the second prevalent cancer of urogenital tract, affecting males 3 more commonly than females. Different risk factors have been proposed, among which viral infections, especially HPV, have been explained recently. The present study surveyed HPV and its associated types in patients with bladder cancer using PCR technique.
Materials and methods: A total of 186 patients, including 147 cases and 39 controls were biopsied and HPV frequency and its associated types were determined by PCR
Results: Totally, 34.7% of cases and 7.6% of controls were HPV positive. HPV18 was the most frequent type (47%). Males were 6 times more frequently affected than females. Most of the cases were aged 51-60 years.
Conclusion: With respect to the high frequency rate of HPV among patients with bladder cancer when compared with controls, HPV seems to be significantly associated with bladder cancer.
Fallah F, Karimi A, Eslimi G, Rafie Tabatabaie S, Goudarzi H, Radmanesh Ahsani R, Malekan M, Navidinia M, Ghabel Rahmat F, Moradi A,
Volume 32, Issue 2 (Summer 2008 2008)
Background: One of the most important problems for street children is the health issue. Many of these children are suffering from malnutrition, anemia, and respiratory, gastrointestinal and dermatologic disorders and also acquired infections such as hepatitis, AIDS, and tuberculosis. According to the emphasis for performing vaccination of high risk children, recognition of these groups has especial importance.
Materials and methods: In this descriptive study 203 street children were gathered from different places of Tehran and settled at a welfare center. These children were clinically examined by a pediatrician and requested to answer a questionnaire. Blood samples (3CC) were obtained from each of them in order to determine the existence of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infections by ELISA method.
Results: Among 203 street children studied in this research, 196 were boys and 7 were girls. Six cases (3%) were HBsAg positive, 54 cases were HBsAb positive (26.6%) and 16 cases were HBcAb positive (8%). Seven cases (3.5%) were HCVAb positive. All of the positive cases were boys.
Conclusion: According to these positive results for hepatitis B and C, additional laboratory examination for screening of acquired infectious disease such as Hepatitis seems to be necessary.
, , Fatemeh Fallah1, Seyed Ali Mirdehghan2, Nina Faramarzi1, , , , ,
Volume 33, Issue 2 (11-2009)
Background: Conjunctivitis, one of the most prevalent eye complications, is usually self limited but may result in optical disorders .Classification is based on the cause including bacterial, viral, fungal, allergic or chemical. Considering antimicrobial resistance, determining the exact cause may lead to improved medical therapy.
Methods: In this descriptive-analytic survey, 92 patients with conjunctivitis, who attended Shaheed Labbafi Nezhad medical center were enrolled. Samples were accurately collected by the physician working in the center and were transported in a sterile condition to the Laboratory of Pediatric Infectious Research Center of Mofid hospital. Determination of mycobacteria, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria was accomplished using standard methods. Data was analyzed using SPSS 13.
Results: Samples were obtained from 49 men (61.4%) and 43 women (38.6%), (median age 36.2). 85% of patients with bacterial conjunctivitis had mucoplurant discharge as a main symptom. 45(58.5%) cultures were positive. Aerobic organisms were isolated from 40 patients (57.1%) and anaerobic ones from 5 (7.1%), of which 4 were mixed with aerobes. No mycobacterium was found. The most common aerobic organism cultured was staphylococcus epidermidis (30%) and the other aerobic ones were: Staphylococcus aureus (12.9%), E coli (7.1%), Bacillus cereus (5.7%), Moraxella catarrhalis (4.3%), Diphteroid (4.3%), Acientobacter baumanii (2.9%), Citrobacter fraundii (2.9%), Staphylococcus oricularis (1.4%), Streptococcus viridans (1.4%), Bacillus subtilis (1.4%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1.4%), and Proteus mirabilis (1.4%). Anaerobic organisms cultured were Peptostreptococcus (4.3%) and Bacteroides fragilis (2.9%).
Conclusion: Since various organisms are responsible for bacterial conjunctivitis, therapeutic strategies should be based on the results of microbiological investigations.
KEYWORDS: Conjunctivitis, Mycobacterium, Aerobic bacteria, Anaerobic bacteria.
Razieh Fallah, Farhad Mahvelati2,
Volume 33, Issue 3 (Autumn 2010)
Backgraound: Febrile seizure is the most common pediatric neurologic problem. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency and related risk factors for subsequent afebrile seizures after the first febrile seizure in children.
Methods: In a longitudinal study , all children aged 6 months to 6years with first febrile seizure admitted between March 2004 to August 2005 to Yazd Shaheed Sadoughi Hospital were followed up for at least 15 months for occurrence of afebrile seizures and related risk factors..
Results: 139 children including 76 boys, (54.7%) and 63 girls, (45.3%) with mean age of 2.03 ± 1.21 year fulfilled the inclusion criteria. In 33% the first seizure had been a complex febrile seizure. After a mean seizure free duration of 7.8 ± 9.4 months, 6.5 percent experienced a subsequent afebrile seizure. Focal febrile seizure, neurodevelopmental delay, first febrile seizure occurring within 1 hour of fever commencement, and recurrent febrile seizures were risk factors of subsequent afebrile seizure after the first febrile seizure.
Conclusion: In children with normal development, focal febrile seizures and seizure occurring soon after the beginning of fever were recognized as risk factors for subsequent afebrile seizure.
Keywords: Febrile seizure, Complex febrile seizure, Epilepsy.
Gita Eslami, Sima Sadat Seyedjavadi, Hossein Goudarzi, Fatemeh Fallah, Mehdi Goudarzi,
Volume 34, Issue 1 (3-2010)
Background: The aim of this study was to identify multidrug resistant isolates of Escherichia coli and K. pneumoniae causing urinary tract infections (UTI) in children and the occurrence of class 1, 2 and 3 integrons in the antibiotic resistant isolates..
Methods: A total of 200 urine samples were processed. Urine culture was done using conventional microbiological techniques. Biochemical testing was used to identify the organisms. Susceptibility of 200 isolates to 13 antibiotics was determined and the frequency of multi-drug resistance and their association with intergron was assessed by PCR –RFLP.
Results: 171 isolates out of 200 were multi-drug resistant. Existence of intergrons was confirmed in 20.5% of these isolates. Association of multi-drug resistance to Gentamicin, Norfloxacin, Cephalotin and Nalidixic Acid with the presence of integrons was statistically significant, (p <0.002, <0.001, <0.005, and <0.004, respectively). Imipenem and Amikacin were the most effective antibiotics against resistant isolates.
Conclusion: Multi-drug resistance suggests that strategy for treatment of patients with Escherichia coli and K. pneumonia infections needs to be revised. The possibility of transmission of resistance genes by integrons would be decreased by treatment of patients with the appropriate antibiotics.
Keywords: Escherichia coli, Kelebsiella, Urinary tract infections, PCR –RFLP.
Ahmad Fayaz, Susan Simani, Alireza Janani, Behzad Esfandyari, Firouzeh Farahtaj, Peyvand Biglari, Nader Howaizi, Naser Eslami, Vida Fallahian, Saeed Kavousian,
Volume 35, Issue 1 (5-2011)
Background: Human rabies is preventable by prompt post-exposure prophylaxis. The total number of rabies vaccine doses administered during post-exposure prophylaxis is 5 given on days 0, 3, 7, 14 and 30. The aim of this study was to measure the durability of rabies neutralizing antibody in exposed persons treated 14–17 years ago and to investigate the effect of 2 boosters of rabies vaccine.
Methods: This study was conducted in 2 phases. In phase 1 blood samples were taken from 100 rabies vaccine recipients 14-17 years after they had received the vaccine. In the 2nd stage of the studies 30 volunteers from the first phase of the study were divided into 2 groups of 15 subjects each the first group was given 2 booster doses of the vaccine intra-dermally on days 0 and 3. In the 2nd group the 2 doses were administered through the intramuscular route blood samples were collected 10 days after the booster doses. Rapid Focus Fluorescent Inhibition Test (RFFIT) was used for measuring the antibodies in both phases.
Results: The rabies neutralizing antibody was detected in the sera of all 100 individuals who had received the rabies vaccine, 85% of whom demonstrated titers ≥0.5 IU/ml. In the groups who received the booster doses, serology results demonstrated higher rabies neutralizing antibody titers in persons who had received the two booster injections intradermally.
Conclusion: This study confirms the persistence of rabies neutralizing antibody for at least 14 years after a full course of primary post-exposure prophylaxis furthermore two booster inoculations of Vero rabies vaccine on days 0 and 3, given intradermally resulted in a sharp increase in the level of antibodies, indicating that two boosters could protect against rabies after a repeat exposure.
Keywords: Rabies, Post-exposure prophylaxis, Rabies neutralizing antibody, Booster effect.
Ahmad Fayaz, Vida Fallahian, Susan Simani, Ali Eslamifar, Aida Mohammadian, Mahboobeh Hazrati, Parisa Mashayekhi, Fereshteh Masihpoor, Mohammad Reza Naseri, Ebrahim Elm,
Volume 35, Issue 3 (11-2011)
Background: Rate of bites from animals suspected with rabies is increasing in Iran and post-exposure prophylaxis imposes a massive burden on the health system. This study is performed to assess the trend and the current status of animal bites in Tehran.
Materials and methods: During the years of 1993-4 and 2008-9, data was collected from the records of persons bitten by animals suspected of rabies and referred to the Rabies Center in the Vaccination Department of the Pasteur Institute of Iran. Variables included age, sex, nationality, living area, animal species, site bitten, type of post-exposure prophylaxis including serum / vaccine and doses of vaccination.
Results: During the years of 1993-4 and 2008-9, 1973 and 2875 exposed cases respectively were referred to the department of prevention and treatment of rabies in the Pasteur Institute. Most exposed patients were male in both periods and the biting animals were dogs in 1993-4 it was mostly stray-dogs while in 2008-9 pet dogs at home were responsible for most bites. Post exposure prophylaxis was administered by PVRV (Purified Vero cell rabies vaccine) in 3 to 5 doses, with or without HRIG (Human Rabies Immune Globulin) in 30% to 39.8% of the cases respectively.
Conclusion: The rates of animal bites and full post-exposure prophylaxis have increased significantly. We suggest further researches about measures that would decrease the health burden incurred by animal bites.
Keywords: Rabies, Epidemiological characteristics, Post-exposure prophylaxis.