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Showing 1 results for Pregnancy Fate

Masomeh Fallahian, Giti Ozgoli,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-1999)

The present study was performed to determine the relationship vaginal bleeding in first half of pregnancy and fate of pregnancy in referrals of teaching hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences during the years 1993-1994.
The case-control strategy of this study was carried out on 432 patients. In this respect, 216 ( case group) out of them had vaginal bleeding during the first half of pregnancy and the remainder had no history of bleeding (control group). Both groups were nearly alike regarding knowledge, occupation, the surveillance of pregnancy period, number of conceptions and labors, interval between pregnancies, bearing a dead baby, and premature labor. For collection of data, an interview was set. The variables were premature labor, birth-time low weight, and perinatal mortality.
The results showed that there is a significant relationship between vaginal bleeding in first half of pregnancy and premature labor (P<0.05) and birth-time low weight (P<0.02), but there is not such a relationship for perinatal mortality.

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