Showing 9 results for Infertility
Hakimeh Akbari, Mohammad Saleh, Mohammad Hassan Heidari, Marefat Ghaffari Novin, Eznollah Azargashb,
Volume 36, Issue 4 (2-2013)
Background: Although normal morphologic and motility characteristics of sperms are necessary for fertility, normal morphology per se cannot demonstrate sperm DNA competence. Since the health of sperm DNA affects the results of assisted reproductive technology the purpose of this study is to evaluate sperm parameters measured by CASA for chromatin abnormalities.
Materials and methods: Semen samples were collected from 63 cases subjects according to WHO guidelines. Semen analyses by CASA, protamine deficiency by CMA3 staining and sperm DNA fragmentation by SCD test were done.
Results: The results showed a significant correlation between protamine deficiency, DNA fragmentation and sperm parameters. Head and neck anomalies showed maximum significant correlation with percentage of sperm DNA fragmentation but even tail anomalies were seen to be related to DNA competence.
Conclusion: Protamine deficiency and damage in sperm DNA in infertile cases was more than fertile subjects. In cases with high DNA damage ratio, sperm parameters were poorer and fertility was impaired CASA method can be used to analyze sperm parameters with high precision.
Keywords: Sperm chromatin, Infertility, CASA, Chromatin dispersion test.
Davar Amani, Farnaz Marhemati, Ms Anahita Mohseni Meybodi, Robabeh Taheripanah,
Volume 39, Issue 1 (5-2015)
Background and Aim: The increasing incidence of infertility is alarming. About 10-30% of infertility are classified as Unexplained Infertility (UI) which is not an absolute clinical condition. TGF-b1 is multifunctional cytokine and produced mainly by T regulatory (Treg) lymphocytes. This cytokine plays important roles in physiology of normal pregnancy. The association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of TGF-b1 gene with many immunologic diseases has been reported. In this study, the association of TGF-&beta1 C29T (Pro10Leu) gene polymorphism with unexplained infertility was investigated in Iranian UI patients.
Materials and Methods: In this case-control study blood samples were collected from177 UI patients (142 male and 35 female) and 336 controls (232 male and 104 female) with no history of infertility. DNA was extracted by the salting out method. Analysis of the TGF-&beta1 gene polymorphism C29T (Pro10Leu) was performed by PCR and automated sequencing method.
Results: The genotype distributions and allele frequencies of TGF-b1 gene C29T (Pro10Leu) polymorphism were not statistically significant between different categories of UI patients and control group (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed, C29T (Pro10Leu) polymorphism of TGF-b1 gene may not associated with unexplained infertility and further studies are necessary to clarify the association of TGF-b1 polymorphisms and susceptibility to unexplained infertility.
Dr Ensyie Shahrokh Tehraninejad, Dr Minou Dashti, Dr Batul Hossein Rashidi, Dr Nasim Khorrami, Dr Elham Azimi Nekou,
Volume 39, Issue 3 (11-2015)
Background: It has been suggested that local endometrial injury (LEI) can increase the success rate of assistive reproductive technologies. Previous studies have been resulted in controversial diseases. In current study, we investigated the effect of LEI on the rate of clinical pregnancy and live birth in women undergoing frozen embryo transfer (FET).
Materials and Methods: There were 120 infertile women assigned to two equal groups, randomly: LEI group and control group. Patients underwent FET procedure. The rate of clinical pregnancy and live birth were compared between two groups.
Findings: The rate of clinical pregnancy was the same (35% in LEI group versus 33.3% in control group; p<0.05). Also, the rate of live birth did not significantly differed between two groups (23.3% in LEI group versus 21.6% in control group; p<0.05).
Conclusion: Based on our findings, LEI does not improve the rate of clinical pregnancy and live birth in women undergoing FET.
Dr. Alireza Torki, Dr. Mohammad Bagher Khalili, Mr. Jalal Ghasemzadeh,
Volume 40, Issue 1 (5-2016)
Background and aim: given the high prevalence of bacterial infections, particularly the E.coli in the semen of infertile men compared to fertile men and according to the controversial reports on the association of E.coli with male infertility, herein, the prevalence of this bacterium in the semen of infertile men and its possible association with parameters determining sperm fertility was evaluated.
Methods: In this case-control study and in a convenient sampling manner in 2014, semen specimens were collected from infertile and fertile men and were cultured on eosin methylene blue medium, and then, gram staining and biochemical tests were used to identify the E.coli bacteria. Sperm morphology and motility and other related parameters such as; fast, slow and non-progress motility was investigated according to the World Health Organization protocol. Finally, the sperm characteristics were compared between fertile and infertile E.coli-positive groups.
Results: the prevalence of E.coli in the semen of the infertile group was significantly higher than that in the fertile group (P <0.001). Also, there was statistically significant differences between fertile and infertile E.coli-positive men in terms of mean age, percentage of normal sperm morphology and all the characteristics of sperm motility (P <0.01).
Conclusion: despite the high prevalence of E.coli bacteria in the semen of the infertile compared to the fertile men, it seems that this bacterium is not responsible for alterations in morphology and motility properties of sperm. However, it suggested that in individuals with E.coli infection, along with increasing the age, the association between this bacterium and sperm quality becomes much more tangible.
Farkhondeh Pouresmaeili, Zahra Fazeli Atar, Sara Afjeh, Hamed Heidari,
Volume 41, Issue 1 (4-2017)
Backgrond: Infertility affects 15% of couples and male factor infertility is involved in 50% of cases. One of
the causes of infertility is Azoospermia that refers to the absence of sperm per ejaculation and almost affects
1% of the total men population. A comprehensive overview about the disease and its risk factors along with
a better understanding of the diagnosis was performed and comprehensive information about the modern
treatment methods for this reproductive disorder was provided.
Materials and methods: For writing this article, a large study on azoospermia, the reasons and treatment
methods was performed by searching the words including azoospermia, genetics, treatment and diagnosis in
the medical valid databases, mainly PubMed, up to 2016. Among the collected papers, articles that are most
relevant to the goals of the present article was selected. The articles with brief explanation about the etiology
of azoospermia and disease treatment options were studied further.
Findings: Literature review showed that genetic diseases such as Klinefelter syndrome, cystic fibrosis, primary
and secondary testicular failure due to hormonal and/or chromosomal anomalies ranging from structural or
numerical changes, gene mutations, genomics alterations at the level of telomeres and the resulting apoptosis,
genetic polymorphisms, anatomical disorders associated with vas deferens and ejaculation, age, treatments of
testicular cancer and other diseases, varicocele and surgical treatment of testis were considered as the most
important factors in azoospermia.
Discussion: Although numerous factors are involved in the etiology of azoospermia, clinical tests and genetic
counseling plays an important role in early detection of disease that helps to retrieve sperm production and
fertility to the patient in many cases.
Conclusion: Accurate understanding of the etiology of azoospermia could provide a suitable treatment
approach for the management of disease.
Ms Mojgan Ebrahimifar, Dr Simin Hosseinian, Dr Mohammad Reza Safariyan Tosi, Dr Mohammad Reza Abedi,
Volume 42, Issue 2 (6-2018)
Background and Aim: Self-efficacy is One of the most important psychological constructs in numerous health areas, including reproductive health. It is necessary to use an appropriate tool for measuring self-efficacy in people coping with challenge of infertility treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of infertility self-efficacy scale( ISE) in Iranian infertile women.
Materials and Methods: A total of 203 infertile Women who were referred to a private infertility clinic were selected by available sampling. They responded to ISE, Beck Depression inventory(BDI-2), Infertility stress questionnaire(FPI) and stress coping strategies questionnaire(CISS). For assessment the reliability by internal consistency was calculated cronbach’s alpha .As, for convergent validity was used Stress Coping Strategies questionnaire and to investigate the divergent validity were used Infertility stress questionnaire and Beck Depression Inventory. For assessment construct validity of the ISE was used exploratory factor analysis principal component.
Results: The Cronbach’s coefficient for the scale was 0/90. Results of exploratory factor analysis supported one component for the ISE, which was similar to that of the original scale. Convergent validity of the ISE with Stress coping strategies questionnaire was calculated and statistically significant correlation was obtained. The divergent validity of the ISE revealed significant negative correlation between ISE and Beck depression Inventory and Infertility stress questionnaire.
Conclusion: The results showed that the ISE is a reliable and valid measure to assess self-efficacy among a sample of Iranian Women who underwent infertility treatment. The ISE can be used as a useful self-assessment tool for clinical researches and psychological counseling.
Miss Sara Salimi, Dr Saeid Ghorbian, Dr Reza Alibakhshi,
Volume 43, Issue 3 (10-2019)
Background: Oligospermia and azoospermia play important roles in male infertility. HIWI genes family plays an important role in spermatogenesis from spermatogonial through protection and formation of meiosis. The single-nucleotide change in HIWI2 gene has been reported as a genetic factor affecting male infertility. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between HIWI2 (rs508485 C>T) genetic changes and the risk of idiopathic severe oligospermia and azoospermia in infertile men.
Materials and Methods: A case-control investigation was performed on 100 blood samples of men with idiopathic azoospermia/severe oligozoospermia and 100 blood samples of fertile men with one chilled and without historical infertility who were referred to the infertility center of Motazedi Hospital in ermanshah during 2015-2017. To determine HIWI2 C>T gene polymorphism frequency, we used Tetra ARMS-PCR method and data was analyzed using chi-squat test.
Results: In our findings, the genotype frequencies did not show a statically significant difference in dominant (P=0.306, OR=0.704), recessive (P=0.359, OR=0.786), and codominant (P>0.05, OR=1.000) heredity models. The allele frequencies did not reveal a statically significant difference between the two groups (P=0.215, OR=0.774; CI=0.516-1.161).
Conclusion: Our investigation did not show any evidence to the effect of HIWI2 rs508485 gene polymorphism as a risk factor for idiopathic azoospermia/severe oligozoospermia.
Dr Nourossadat Kariman, Miss Heydari Arezoo, Dr Farzaneh Ahmadi,
Volume 43, Issue 4 (12-2019)
During pregnancy, each of the couples may experience various changes and problems. In some circumstances like history of infertility, previous abortions or unwanted pregnancies, that couples pay special attention to pregnancy, the amount of these problems may also increase. The aim of this study was determination of pregnancy problems in couples with a history of infertility, abortion and unwanted pregnancy.
Methods: In this descriptive study, 120 pregnant couples were examined. Gestational age of women was 28-41 weeks. The couples were divided into 4 groups: history of infertility, abortion, unwanted pregnancy and control group. Then they were compared by using a special questionnaire for the common problems of pregnancy. Also, in each of these groups, correlation between couples’ problems was calculated. The significance level was considered to be 0.05.
Results: In all four groups, women experienced more physical problems than men (p <0.001). In groups with history of infertility (p <0.001) and abortion (p <0.001), each of the couples experienced more physical and mental problems than the control group. There was a positive and significant correlation between couples’ physical problems in all three groups (p <0.05). While in the control group the couples did not correlate
Conclusion: In conditions such as history of infertility, abortion or unwanted pregnancy, due to the importance or stress that pregnancy produce for couples, they may experience more problems during pregnancy. In providing care to this group of people, attention to such records makes it possible, if necessary, we help these couples to experience better pregnancy
Niusha Hemmati Borujeni, Akram Eidi, Pejman Mortazavi, Shahrbanoo Oryan,
Volume 44, Issue 1 (3-2020)
Objective: Exposure to cadmium may negatively affect the male reproductive system via degenerative changes in the testes, epididymis, and seminal vesicle. Cadmium induces testicular lipid peroxidation by generating free radicals, thereby impairing the intracellular defense system. In folk medicine, the linden (Tilia platyphyllos L.) is used as a diuretic, stomachic, antispasmodic, and sedative agent. Previous studies have identified several phytochemicals, such as terpenoids, phenolic acids, and flavonoids, in flowers and leaves. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of linden extract on cadmium-induced testicular damage in male Wistar rats.
Methods: In the current experimental study, rats were randomly divided into 10 groups: normal control, linden extract (50, 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg intragastrically, daily) alone, infertile control rats (cadmium chloride 3 mg/kg intragastrically, daily), linden extract (50, 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg intragastrically, daily) together with cadmium chloride, and the treatment was performed accordingly. At the end of experiment (28 days), testes were removed for histopathology investigations. The tissue was postfixed in bouin buffer solution and dehydration, clarification, paraffin embedding, molding methods were performed. Histopathological changes (seminiferous tubules, number of spermatocyte, and spermatozoa, spermatid) were examined via Eosin and Haematoxylin staining. The testes pathology was scored using Johnsen score. Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance.
Results: Our results showed that the mean of Johnsen’s score significantly decreased in the infertile control group compared to those in the normal control groups (p<0.001). The administration of linden extract prevented this histological alteration and significantly increased the mean Johnsen’s score in infertile rats. The histopathological studies on the tissues obtained from the the testes showed that linden extract significantly reduced (p<0.001) the toxicity of cadmium and preserved the normal histoarchitecture pattern of the testes.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that linden acts as a potent antioxidative agent against cadmium-induced testicular toxicity in rats.