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Showing 1 results for Time To Stability

Mehrshad Poursaeid Esfahani, Shahin Salehi, Amirhosein Abedi Yekta, Mohammad Hassabi, Shahrzad Khosravi, Farhad Ranjbarzadeh, Mohsen Moradi,
Volume 42, Issue 3 (9-2018)

Background: Considering the high prevalence of sprain and ankle instability and the disturbing side
effects, like decreased stability and increased posture vacillation, it is necessary to perform preventive
exercises to avoid such injuries. Thus, the goal of the present research was analyzing the effect of eightweeks
of combined exercises on the time of accessing to stability and replacement of press center of
active men with chronic ankle instability
Materials and methods: An experimental study was performed on 24 active men with functional
ankle instability. Initial screening and identifying qualified athletes were done using Ankle Disability
Questionnaire and Foot and Ankle Disability Index. Athletes were divided into two groups of Experimental
(n= 12) and control (n= 12). Kinetic variables were evaluated using force platform. Experimental group
performed the resistance exercises for eight weeks.
Results: For data analysis and statistical analysis, after using Shapirovailk test to normalize the data,
dependent t-test was run to check inter group performance and independent t-tests were run to evaluate
between group performance at a significance level of 0.05%. The results of statistical tests showed that
the combined exercises had a significant effect on the time to reach stability and the rate of displacement
of the active men’s pressure center with functional ankle instability (P≤0/05).
Conclusion: According to the findings, it is suggested that comprehensive combined training programs
be used in the rehabilitation programs of male individuals suffering from functional ankle instability to
ease restrictions caused by FAI, like balance and stability defects.

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