Volume 29, Issue 2 (6-2005)                   Research in Medicine 2005, 29(2): 157-164 | Back to browse issues page

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A survey of consumption pattern of antibiotics in Taleghani Hospital. Research in Medicine 2005; 29 (2) :157-164
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-140-en.html
Abstract:   (20968 Views)

Background resistance of bacterial species , especially in hospital infections and also caused the emergence of hazardous side effects, albeit avoidable. This

 Results in financial and clinical damages on the health system, some of which are irreparable .

 Materials and methods per separate disease in the Taleghani Hospital in Tehran, between July and December 2001 based on the International Standard System, ATC/DDD , which is recommended by WHO, within the frame of DUE retrospective studies .

 Results received antibiotics. The cost of these antibiotics amounted to 19.4% of the total drug expenses of the hospital. Of all the antibiotic-treated cases more than 68% had undergone surgery, among whom 49.9% (elective surgeries) received prophylactic antibiotics. The total amount of antibiotics was 99.8 DDD/100 bed days, 79.3% was in parenteral forms. Orthopedic and reconstructive surgery cases received the greatest amount of antibiotic consumption (23%). The most commonly used antibiotics were cephalosporins (49%) and penicillins (27%)followed by aminoglycosides (6%), imidazole derivatives (5%), and fluoroquinolones (4%)

 Conclusion from European studies. The use of prophylactic antibiotic preoperatively on a few days basis (especially in elective surgeries), deems to be irrational. This is because reliable sources have highly recommended a reduction in dosage administration to less than 24 hours .


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Type of Study: General | Subject: Interdisciplinary (Educational Management, Educational research, Statistics, Medical education
Received: 2003/11/28 | Published: 2005/06/15

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