Abstract: (11126 Views)
Background: Previous evidences have been demonstrated that serum zinc deficiency in thalassemia major (TM) children is probably due to increase of zinc excretion, elevated ferritin level and desferal consumption or hepatic dysfunction. The aim of this study is determination of serum zinc concentration in thalassemia major children.
Material and methods: This study has been carried on 77 children 7-12 years old. 10 ml blood from 40 TM children (case group) and 33 matched healthy children (control group) were obtained. Serum zinc level was measured using Rundox Factory Kits by atomic absorption system SP9-PYE (Unican) and results were analyzed by t test.
Results: Results indicated that mean of serum zinc in case group (TM children) has been significantly decreased in comparison with control group (p<0.000). The mean of serum zinc level in the case and control groups was 371.9 and 511.8, respectively.
Conclusion: Results have revealed that serum zinc level has been significantly decreased in TM children.