Volume 42, Issue 4 (12-2018)                   Research in Medicine 2018, 42(4): 215-221 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammadzade M J, Amini Rarani M, Keyvanara M. Epidemiological Study and Mortality of Burned Patients Hospitalized in Imam Musa Kazim Hospital, Isfahan, Iran During the years 2014 -2017. Research in Medicine 2018; 42 (4) :215-221
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-1875-en.html
Esfahan medical sience university , keyvanara@mng.mui.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4576 Views)
Epidemiological Study and Mortality of Burned Patients Hospitalized in Imam Musa Kazim Hospital, Isfahan, Iran During the years 2014 -2017
Introduction: Burn gives rise the high mortality and socio-economic burdens. This study aimed to assesses epidemiological characteristics of burn patients and their relationship with mortality caused by burn.
Methods:This descriptive-analytic study was performed using data from all burned patients hospitalized in Imam Musa Kazem Hospital in Isfahan during 4 years. The data used for the burn patients records and the HIS system were collected, prepared and secondary analyzed in two descriptive and inferential analyses.
Findings: Of the 3,290 burn patients, 49.22% were died. The highest number of burns were occurred in 2014 (27.08%), in the men (67.29%); age group of 26-40 years old (33.59%); married (49.91%); illiterate (30.42%); low income (48.63%); unemployed (34.66%) and Shia (98.24%) patients. Moreover, the most of patients come from cities from the other provinces (42.1%), lived in urban areas (54.59%), have had social security insurance (41.52%); burn degree 3 (98.33%); total body surface area burned (TBSA) ≤ 30% (49.76%) and burnt at home (70.09%). The correlation of all variables with mortality caused by burn were statistically significant except for years of admission and religion.
Discussion:The burning and the mortality caused by burn, in addition to healthcare and medicine aspects, is a social phenomenon. Therefore, the recognition of social factors as the causes of the causes of burns can leads to the appropriate and effective policies aimed to reduce burns and related mortalities.   
Keywords: Epidemiological characteristics, Burn, Hospital, mortality
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Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2018/05/22 | Accepted: 2018/10/10 | Published: 2019/01/28

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