Volume 27, Issue 2 (6-2003)                   Research in Medicine 2003, 27(2): 93-96 | Back to browse issues page

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Association between sonographic and cytologic findings of 225 cold thyroid nodules. Research in Medicine 2003; 27 (2) :93-96
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-188-en.html
Abstract:   (35916 Views)
Background: Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) of thyroid gland has greater sensitivity as compared to other diagnostic modalities for thyroid nodules. The present study was conducted to compare the sonographic findings of cold thyroid nodules with cytologic changes. Materials and methods: For 219 patients, sonography of thyroid nodules was performed by 7.5MHz probes and the following changes were recorded: echogenicity, calcification, halo formation, distal enhancement, single or multiple nodules, homogenicity, heterogenicity, and cyst formation. Then, FNA was done and results compared. Results: The study population included 188 females and 37 males with the mean (SD) age of 361 and 4212 years, respectively. FNA had revealed 6 nodules (2.8%) to be malignant, of which, 4 were papillary carcinoma, one was follicular carcinoma and one was Hurthle cell tumor. All except the Hurthle cell tumor had shown decreased nodular echogenicity and irregular limits. None of hyperecho nodules were malignant, however, 3 had shown changes in favor of Hurthle cell tumor. Totally, 21 intermediate lesions including thyroiditis, follicular neoplasm, and Hurthle cell changes have been reported. Conclusion: Results have revealed that sonographic and cytologic findings in cold thyroid nodules are closely related.
Keywords: Cold nodule, Thyroid
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Type of Study: General | Subject: Interdisciplinary (Educational Management, Educational research, Statistics, Medical education
Received: 2003/01/2 | Published: 2003/06/15

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