Volume 43, Issue 2 (7-2019)                   Research in Medicine 2019, 43(2): 83-89 | Back to browse issues page

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Rezai N, abedi B, Fatolahi H. Effect of Eight Weeks of Aerobic Aquatic and Land Exercise Training on Leptin, Resistin, and Insulin Resistance in Obese Women. Research in Medicine 2019; 43 (2) :83-89
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-1948-en.html
Islamic Azad University, Daneshgah Street, Ayatollah Khamenei Boulevard, Mahallat, Post Code: 3781958514, Markazi Province , abedi@iaumahallat.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3636 Views)
Background: Regular exercise has been shown to improve diabetes-related biological markers. However, for
some groups, exercises that require weight bearing are difficult. Therefore, the purpose of the present study
was to compare the effect of eight weeks of aerobic aquatic and land exercise training on leptin, resistin, and
insulin resistance in obese women.
Materials and Methods: In the present randomized clinical trial, 30 obese women were randomly assigned
to aquatic exercise, land exercise, and control groups (n=10) and 24 hours before and 48 hours after the
intervention, blood samples were collected and glucose, insulin, leptin, resistin, and insulin resistance levels
were measured. For statistical analysis, mixed analysis of variance was used.
Results: The results showed that eight weeks of aerobic aquatic or land exercise training resulted in significant
decrease in insulin (P = 0.003), glucose (P = 0.001), insulin resistance (P = 0.001), and leptin (P = 0.001)
in obese women, but not in resistin. Weight, BMI, and fat percentage of participants significantly decreased
in training groups (P = 0.001). There was no significant difference between the two types of exercises.
Conclusion: The aquatic exercises appear to have the same effects as land exercises in reducing leptin
and insulin resistance in obese women. Therefore, people who do not tolerate weight bearing during land
exercises due to joint injuries or recommendations from orthopedic practitioners can benefit from aquatic
exercises to improve diabetes-related indices.
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Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2018/11/21 | Accepted: 2019/02/23 | Published: 2019/07/16

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