Volume 44, Issue 3 (9-2020)                   Research in Medicine 2020, 44(3): 466-472 | Back to browse issues page

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ghorbani M, Tahmasebi Boroujeni S, Bagherzadeh F, Naghdi N. Effect of Immobilization Acute Stress on Spatial Learning and Memory of Male Rats and Its Effect Moderation through Swimming. Research in Medicine 2020; 44 (3) :466-472
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-2010-en.html
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran , shahzadtahmaseb@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2424 Views)
approaches to prevent the it's effects of stress especially non-medical approaches are beneficial. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of restrained stress and swimming exercise on spatial learning and memory in male rats.
Materials and Methods: The present study was experimental. 28 Albino-Westar rats assigned randomly to four groups (stress, swimming, stress+swimming and control). Rats in stress group were exposed to immobilization stress (2h per day × 7 days) and in swimming group, they trained swimming (2h.per day × 7 days). In the stress+swimming group same stress protocol as stress group was inserted and then rats received same swimming training as swimming group for 7 days. The control group was performed behavioral tests without any intervention. Behavioral examination of rats was performed by using the Morris Water Maze during both acquisition and recall level.
Results: The results reported significant progress in the traveled distance and escape latency of all groups in acquisition phase (P≤0/05). However, the one-way ANOVA demonstrated that the swimming and stress+swimming groups traveled less distance compared to stress (P=0.007; P=0.03) and control groups (P=0.0001; P=0.001).
In addition, the swim group spent significantly less time to reach the target than the stress and control groups (P = 0.003 = 0.006). Furthermore, the stress + swim group spent less the average of total time to reach the hidden platform than the stress and control group (P = 0.01; P= 0.001).
Conclusion: the swimming exercise can individually enhance the cognitive function. In addition, when there is stress, using swimming exercises in addition to stressful conditions can reduce the distance and time to reach the platform.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Cognitiv sciences
Received: 2019/04/13 | Accepted: 2019/09/28 | Published: 2020/05/23

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