Zahedi M, Nikpoor B, Nikpoor B. Promotion of Efficiency of Township Health Care Network's Administrative, Financial and Supplies System; by Providing Administrative and Financial Facilities. Research in Medicine 2000; 24 (2) :85-93
Environmental Health, Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (2000 Views)
Today, decrease of bureaucrasy in administrative system is considered as a main factor for efficiency in these systems. This policy has been offered by the Ministry of Health and Medical Training (Education) for applying in the all health care networks of Iran.
According to this policy, health center of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiary has executed (carried out) a project in Boroujen health care, since 1373 as the above-mentioned title. The first stage of this planning has been design in three scales: 1) Indicators referring to administrative bureaucrasy and super fluous regulations, 2) Indicators referring to decon tralization, in order to execute the physician management in the health care centers, 3) Expenses related to the administrative regulations (ruler). These three scales determined and evaluated situation of centralized management and administrative bureaucrasy in the networks.
Then by providing necessary facilities, training personnel, and administrative and financial in stractions; actual executions performed in the health center networks. Finally the studied indicators in the first stage investigated for determining the efficiency rate. The ultimate result showed valuable improvement of indicators in three above mentioned scales.