Department of Internal Medicine, Imam Hossein Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (1773 Views)
Considenig the high prevalence and unique features of Hodgkin's disease, its non-specific symptoms at the beginning of the disease, existing controversy on the age distribution of patients and histopathological features and its unknown status in Iran. This study was conducted in Modarres, Taleghani and Imam Hosein Hospitals between 1992 to 1997 to assess primary symptoms and histopathological features.
In a retrospective study based on existing data in the patients files, personal· information including age, sex, major signs and symptoms, histopathological features of hodgkin · s disease were obtained and recorded.
There were 350 cases of hodgkin' s disease of whom 122 had complete files (72 men, 50 women aged 35± 18 ys).
Among 122 cases; 83% had major signs and symptoms (3) and 73 % had solid cervical nodule on presentation. One-third of patients were in stage II and 43 % had nodular sclerosis. According to high prevalence of Hodgkin's disease and involvement of patients in their active life period, it is recommended to conduct analytical studies to investigate the etiology of the disease.