Since malnutrition is one of the main causes of subnormal weight in infants, therefore identification and determination of the role of bodily factors and others such as age, number of labors and maternal anemia and for omitting the role of known and interactive factors, the present study was performed to evaluate the nutritional status of infants and the influence of some maternal factors.
This study was carried out on 422 infants (with a pregnancy period of 37-42 weeks) born in Amiralmomenin hospital (Semnan) in December and January during the years 1993-1994. The data regarding social and economical situation of the family, pregnancy history of the mother and bodily characteristics of mother and infant were considered.
The results showed that the average age and height of infants at their birth time in Semnan was not different from standards statistically. In addition, there was a significant positive relationship between the weight and the factors including arm periphery, pre-parturition weight, height, the ideal weight for the related age and the number of labors. Furthermore, a similar relationship existed for height at the time of labor and other factors.
On the basis of Z criterion and defining the border for malnutrition, there was 2.9, 1.9 and 7.6% infants with malnutrition at present and past (weight for age), at past (height for age), and at present (the required weight for height) respectively.