Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shaheed Akbar Abadi Medical Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (2293 Views)
Considering the significance of in time diagnosis of fetal occlusive uropatthy and with regard to successful reports on intrauterine treatment of this condition in other countries, in this study one such case was examined in Shaheed Akbarabadi hospital.
The patient was a 18 years woman and his husband was her relative with a family history of Prune-belly syndrome. At 24th week of pregnancy, the presence of occlusive uropathy was verified by sonography and bladder aspiration was done every two weeks for three times.
Fetal bladder aspiration by the aid of sonography was performed easily and no complication like bleeding, infection and trauma was observed.
Therefore with regard to the success of this report and other similar reports in other countries, it is recommended to perform intrauterine treating strategies in clinical centers for fetal diseases.