Department of Pathology, Shahid Modarres Medical Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (2208 Views)
The primary squamous cell carcinoma of prostate is a rare tumor that its histogenesis has not been clearly identified. This tumor comprises 0.5 to 1 % of malignant tumors of prostate. In most cases, there exists a severe and atypical metaplasia.
The case was a 66 years man that admitted for increased frequency of urination and a burning sensation. In initial examinations, because of the existence of signs for prostate tumor, the tests PSA and PAP were done for the patient. The PSA level was to some extent high and the PAP level was normal. After performing the necessary procedures, the patient underwent TURP operation and through studying the tissue samples stained with cytocreatine (immunohistochemistry), the presence of squamous cell carcinoma was verified.
The results of exan1inations showed that there is no primary focus in other sites for this tumor.