Department of Pediatrics, Loghman Medical Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (1792 Views)
Popliteal peterigion (Web) syndrome, a rare heritable disease of multiple anomalies; characterized by hard sclerotic areas extending from the sole of the feet up to ischiatic tuberosity along the posterior aspect of lower exteremities at the midline. Varients of this syndrome with different severity are reported: severcre of which present in addition to cardinal feature; palpebral adhesions, syndactilies and pronounced hypoplasias of digits along with various other malformations. A rather severe type of this syndrome was diagnosed in newborn department, Loghman Hakim Hospital in a female infant who in addition to aforementioned peterigions had multiple adhesions of lips, eye lids and digits enough to render her a horrible creature.