Department of Surgery, Loghman Medical Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (10427 Views)
Six years experience of blunt abdominal trauma leading to small intestine Perforation in Loghrnan-e-Hakim Medical center. Between Sept. 1982 to Sept. 1988, 24 cases of abdominal blunt trauma leading to perforation of small intestine were managed at Loghman-e-Hakim Medical center. All the cases were treated surgically either by debridment and repair or resection and anastomosis, with no mortality rate. There were 4 cases of post operative complication Which 3 of them were treated surgically and one treated by observation. The cause of trauma were car accident in 8 pat (33%), crush syndrome in 3 pat (16.6%); fall in 3 pat (12.5%); and miscellenous such as carriage handle in 6 pat (25%). Our intestinal perforation cases comprised: Doudenum, 2; Jejunum, 14; and Ileum, 8 patients. 20 patients of formentioned cases had only small intestine injury alone wheras 4 other cases had multiple trauma. It is suggested that we should not wait until late symptoms of intestinal perforation appear, and decision for early surgical management is recommended as these would be lower surgical complications.