Department of Hygiene, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , Jamal
Abstract: (2020 Views)
In order to evaluate medical education and its related problems, study of medical students point of view is among the important factors. For this purpose questionnaries were given ,to 518 premedical students at the basic science and physiopathology level and they were asked to comple.te the questionnaries without mentioning their names. In this study most of the students believed that the quantity of general, physiopathology and basic sciences courses are sufficient and the theoric classes are relatively useful. They have also pointed out to some deficiencies including the need for guide professors,expanding the teaching, laboratory and audiovisual facilities and also library spaces. They have also had some suggestions to improve the quantity and quality of medical education. This information could be used for further programing.
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