Volume 12, Issue 1 And 2 (September 1988)                   Research in Medicine 1988, 12(1 And 2): 26-30 | Back to browse issues page

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Vakili A, Isa N A. Evaluation of the Differentiated Thyroid Cancer and the Results of the 131 Administration. Research in Medicine 1988; 12 (1 and 2) :26-30
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-2485-en.html
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (2290 Views)
Differentiated thyroid cancers (follicular and papillary) are in the group of the cancers with relatively good prognosis and most of them have tendency to absorb the Iodine, so the 131 is used for tlie ablation of the thyroid tissue, rest of the tumor and metastases. This study revealed that for this purpose most of the Iranian's patients (more than 70%)have been hospitalized more than once and this is markedly diffe­rent from the world's statistics, which indicated less than 30%(2,6). This study also showed the importance of performing the total thyroidecotmy by the expert surgeon. 
Keywords: Cancer, Thyroid
Full-Text [PDF 2359 kb]   (890 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original | Subject: Interdisciplinary (Educational Management, Educational research, Statistics, Medical education
Received: 1987/05/2 | Accepted: 2019/08/23 | Published: 1988/04/6

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