Volume 15, Issue 3 And 4 (March 1991)                   Research in Medicine 1991, 15(3 And 4): 12-18 | Back to browse issues page

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Sarshar A, Mohajer M, Kimiagar M, Azizi F. Psychomotor Abnormalities and Decreased Intelligent Quotient in School Children of Iodine Deficient Areas Near Tehran. Research in Medicine 1991; 15 (3 and 4) :12-18
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-2510-en.html
Endocrine Research Center and Department of Psychiatry, Taleghani Medical Center, and Institute of Nutrition, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (2892 Views)
In order to evaluate psychomotor activity and intelligent quotient in schoolchildren of iodine deficient region, 95 children from Kiga and 103 from Keshar villages and 73 from Razi school in Tehran were studied. In Kiga there is moderately severe iodine deficiency with retarded physical growth and decreased thyroid function. These students had more errors in Bender-Gestalt (BG) test and their mean psychomotor age was 1.7 years below their chronological age. In Keshar, where there is high prevalence of goiter, but all individuals are euthyroid, number of errors in BG test was much less than Kiga but more than Razi students. Mean psychomotor age was 1.4 years behind their chronological age. In Razi students, the prevalence and size of goiters are less than two villages; all students are euhyroid, number of errors correspond to International standards, and psychomotor age correlates well with chronological age.
IQ was estimated through Raven test in all three locations. Mean IQ was 89± 11, 96±9 and 116± 10 for Kiga, Keshar and Razi students, respectively. 15% of Kiga and 3% of Keshar students had IQ below 75, fulfilling criteria for mild mental retardation.
The present study demonstrates that many of apparently normal looking school children in areas of iodine deficiency suffer from psychomotor disturbances and diminished IQ. This deficit affects their learning process and daily homeworks. The finding emphasize urgent need for implementation of a successful preventive program in all areas of iodine deficiency.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Interdisciplinary (Educational Management, Educational research, Statistics, Medical education
Received: 2020/03/8 | Accepted: 2020/03/8 | Published: 2020/03/8

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