Corticosteroids are being rn;;ed in different ophthalmic disorder as anti-inflamatory agent.
A.C.T.H. stimulated the supra renal glands and causes an increase steroid concentration of the blood. Corticosteroids can be used as antiinflamatory agent locally ar.d systemically.
The new corticom,teroids like prednison, dexxametason and prednisolon are more effective ( 5 to 10 times) than the old ones the penetration of the corticosteroid into the eye is dependent on its kind and the way of which has been used.
After being used locally it's concentration usually in the cornea and aqueous humour, the maximum concertration is obtained after 3 days. So far the lesion in the anterior part of the eye corticosteroid may be used locally but for lesion in the posterior part it is better to be used systemically.
Corticosteroids being used for various ophthalmic disorders such as allergic condition, non-purulant inflamatiom, ( specially uveitis) to reduce scar tissue.
In systemic disorders which associated with the ophthalmic lesions such as sarcoidosis, temporal arte-ritis scleromalaci perforant, interstitial keratitis and herpes 20ster. After eye surgery like lens extraction, glaucoma surgery, corneal graft, retinal detachment the co11ticcsteroids reduce the post operative inflamatory reaction.
The complications of corticosteroid therapy are divided into local and systemic. The local complications of a long term cortico therapy of the eyes is activating bacterial and viral infections (specially herpes simplex) also it can induces mycotic infections. The corticosteroid activate the tuherculose lesions too.
Long term cortico therapy can cause glaucoma (specially in the sensitive p8.tients) and cataract.