Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (1671 Views)
Medical records of 228 patients who had undergone thyroid surgery were studied. There were 179 females and 49 males with mean age of 33-8 years. Pre-op. diagnosis was cold nodule in 4. 4 %. Pathology diagnosis was simple goiter in 54%, adenoma in 23%, thyroid cancer in 15% and colloid cyst in 5.3% of the patients. Among carcinomas 68% were papillary, 29% follicular and 3% medullary. There were17% and 3.9% cases of carcinoma among patients with Pre-op. diagnosis of cold nodule and multinodular goiter respectively. This study demonstrates that even among patients selected for thyroid surgery because of suspicion of cancer, thyroid carcinoma is rare and occurs in- 10.5% of cases.