Volume 4, Issue 1 (10-1975)                   Research in Medicine 1975, 4(1): 40-51 | Back to browse issues page

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Amir Feiz M. Gastrointestinal Duplicators. Research in Medicine 1975; 4 (1) :40-51
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-2857-en.html
Abstract:   (1579 Views)
rntro Cystom. (lntestin;.il Duplications and , or intes-, SUtinal Cysts). These are . congenital cysts who contain  wall has a same histologie pattern as intestinal wall, and they are common in ab- dominal cavity and 70% of them are located in ileocecal region. Twenty percent (20%)oi these cysts have a entrance to intestinal lumen and the rest of them are closed cysts. With duplications in thorax there are other abnormalities in vertebra1es of column which together make Klipel­Feil. Syndrome, or we can discuss about other abnor­mality such as malrotation with these duplications. There are different hypothesis about the origin and development of these cysts that need further investiga­tions. 
In synptomatolo􀎁1ic section, different and a typical symptoms of duplications were discussed, and in addi­t io 11 of symptoms was their treatment which is always surgery. 
Then there are reports about ten patients who have gastrointestinal duplicaton, which we discuss only three cases of them. 
Th ese cases are: 
1 · A woman with 28 year-a Id w h o ha s a Enterogenous cyst in terminal ileum. 
2. An infant with 11 month of age (female) who has duodenum duplication.
3. A child with 2½ year-old (female) who has entero- genous cyst. 
4. A child with 2 year-old (female) with small intestine duplication which has a entrance to main intestine (small intestine). 
5. An infant with 5 month of age (male) who has enter­ogenous cyst.
6. A child with 13 year old ( male) who has a stomach duplication and within his stomach he has a ulcer which was perforated.
7. An infant with 3 month of age (female) who has a stomach duplication which again there was perforation of ulcer, and in additionsubphrenicabscesstlad form­ed.
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Type of Study: Review | Subject: Interdisciplinary (Educational Management, Educational research, Statistics, Medical education
Received: 2020/03/16 | Accepted: 2020/03/16 | Published: 2020/03/16

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