Abstract: (18044 Views)
Primary hyperparathyroidism is a quite frequent disorder however, giant parathyroid adenoma is a rare entity. We described a 39-year old woman presenting with lower extremities bone pain within the recent 3 years. She had been receiving levothyroxin during the past 10 years due to hypothyroidism, meanwhile, she had a bulge right thyroid lobe. Laboratory examinations revealed she was euthyroid, however, scanning showed parathyroid adenoma. During surgery, an adenoma measured 2×3×6cm, weighted 22gr was resected. Giant parathyroid adenoma present with non-characteristic symptoms, thus, routine laboratory measurements including serum calcium and phosphorous should be proposed for suspected individuals.
Type of Study:
Case report |
Surgery Received: 2007/09/30 | Published: 2006/12/15