Homaie F, Yousefi Z, Sharifi N, Khajedalouie M, Mousavi Torshizi V. Determining the frequency of squamous cell carcinoma antigen in females with cervical SCC . Research in Medicine 2008; 32 (1) :61-65
, homaeif@yahoo.com
Abstract: (14635 Views)
Background: Cervical carcinoma is the second most common cancer among women worldwide. In the Middle East it is the most common malignancy in women. Prognostic utility of squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCAg) for cervical cancer, and its correlation with pathologic grading has been demonstrated in several studies. However, no such study has been performed in Iran. The aim of the present study was to investigate the frequency of SCCAg and its correlation with histological stage and grade of tumor in blood samples from cervical cancer patients.
Materials and methods: Patients referred to the oncology center of Qhaem hospital in Mashad, during a three-year period, from 1382-1385, were included in the study. Previously untreated patients, and subjects in whom no other parts of body were involved with squamous cell carcinomas, were selected. Pretreatment serum SCCAg levels were measured by RIA.
Results: 52 patients qualified for the study. The average age of patients was 52.9 years. The most common presenting sign was bleeding (94.1%). 35 patients (64.8%) were in stage II 26 patients (48%) had grade 1 tumor. 29 patients (55.7%) had positive levels for SCCAg with the average of 15.37 ng/ml and median of 10 ng/ml. According to primary evaluations, there was a significant difference in the level of serum SCCAg with size, stage, grade of tumor and lymph node metastases.
Conclusion: SCCAg was positive in a high percentage of patients with cervical squamos cell carcinoma. It may be regarded as a tumor marker in this cancer.
Type of Study:
Original |
Received: 2008/07/2 | Published: 2008/06/15
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