, email: zahranishahnaz@yahoo.com)
Abstract: (14900 Views)
Background: Labor and birth are two important aspects of human life. At the same time, labor pain is a serious concern for every pregnant woman. Massage as a non pharmacological techniques is a way to overcome this difficulty. Research findings demonstrate that massage has especially positive effects in reducing not only pain, but also stress. Our study has been conducted to determine the effects of massage on intensity of pain during the first stage of labor in primiparous women who have attended Isfahan Shahid Beheshti hospital in 2005.
Materials and methods: In this randomize clinical trial, a total of 75 primiparous women in 38-42 week of low risk pregnancy were randomly divided in 3 groups. First group received 20 minutes of back effleurage massage at the periods of 4-5 cm, 6-7 cm, 8-10 cm, cervical dilation. An emotional support was offered for second group in the same duration of time and the same cervical dilation. Third group just received routine care during labor. In all groups, pregnant women were asked to evaluate their severity of pain before and after intervention. Data being obtained through the visual analogue scale, check list and inspection form.
Results: Study result demonstrated that intensity of pain was significantly lower in massage group (p< 0.001). Intensity of pain in supported group was consistent during 4-5 cm dilatation period and 8-10 cm but during 6-7 cm period there was an increase in severity of pain. In routine care group severity of pain increased in every stage.
Conclusion: Receiving back massage is more effective than supporting and routine care for relieving labor pain.
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