Volume 33, Issue 1 (5-2009)                   Research in Medicine 2009, 33(1): 5-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Sheibaninia A, Valaie N, Mohammad Sadeghi S, Azizi F. The evaluation of accuracy of article writing in scientific journals of dentistry in 2006. Research in Medicine 2009; 33 (1) :5-11
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-596-en.html
, asheibaninia@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (17101 Views)
Abstract: Background: According to growing increase of scientific journals in Iran and importance of precise methodology and validity of findings, and also lack of information about quality of published articles, this study was designed to evaluate accuracy of article writing of articles published in dentistry journals in 2006. Materials and methods: In this descriptive study, all original articles of dentistry journals were evaluated. Research methodology in different topics of articles, including abstract, introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion and references were assessed. Totally, 52 items were evaluated and classified as 3 categories of “correct”, “relatively correct” and “incorrect”. Data analysis was done by Chi-square. Results: one-hundred original articles were published in the study period. Mean (± standard deviation) number of authors was 2.9±0.84. The most frequent type of study was experimental-in vitro study (46%), followed by descriptive (33%), clinical trial (10%) and historical cohort (6%). The frequency of instrument validity report absence was 96%, no exact calculation of sample size 93%, unjustification of article publication 73%, and lack of restriction and valuable findings report 87%. Conclusion: There are great defects in published articles of dentistry journals. Implementations for reducing mistakes in article writing result in increasing validity of articles and application of true study results. KEYWORDS: Research methodology, Dentistry journals, Validity, Reliability.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Interdisciplinary (Educational Management, Educational research, Statistics, Medical education
Received: 2009/09/30 | Published: 2009/05/15

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