, : yeganeh33_r@yahoo.com
Abstract: (13941 Views)
Background: Acromegaly is due to excess of growth hormone production and imbalance of cell growth which leads to somatic manifestations and organ dysfunction. With increasing life span an increasing incidence of colorectal, breast, and blood cancers is seen.
In this paper we report a 57 year old male with acromegaly he had developed a swelling in the right breast for the last 2 years which had increased in size. On examination, the swelling was in the sub aereolar region, firm in consistency, about 5 cm in size and fixed to the chest wall which was ulcerated plus axillary lymphadenopthy on the same side. Radical mastectomy was done histology revealed invasive ductal carcinoma.
Conclusion: Acromegaly is a risk factor for breast cancer.
KEYWORDS: Male Breast Cancer, Acromegaly
Type of Study:
Short report |
Surgery Received: 2009/10/6 | Published: 2009/05/15
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