Dabbagh1 A, Ghorbanloo2 M, Taherian2 M, Hosseini3 S M, Tavakkolpour4 A A, Rzavi4 S S et al . Frequency of postoperative pain and its associated factors in Taleghani hospital. Research in Medicine 2010; 33 (4) :265-269
, alidabbagh@yahoo.com
Abstract: (17134 Views)
Backgraound: one of the most severe types of pain is acute postoperative pain. The more severe the pain, the more severe its hemodynamic consequences would be. The aim of this study was to assess the analgesic methods of postoperative pain control in orthopedic surgery patients, in Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital, Tehran, Iran.
Methods: in a descriptive study, 100 cases undergoing orthopedic surgery were selected and evaluated regarding the severity of postoperative pain and its analgesic methods. A visual Analog Scale was used to assess the pain. Pain severity and its analgesic methods were evaluated.
Results: Among 100 patients, 68% did not need analgesic treatment modalities. General anesthesia and spinal anesthesia were the first two common analgesic modalities, respectively. Residual anesthesia was the most common pain control method.
Conclusion: the results of this study demonstrated that acute postoperative pain is one of the great concerns, both for the physicians and the patients. This study suggests that more aggressive postoperative pain control is necessary. So, re-evaluation of the pain control methods in the postoperative period is mandatory.
Keywords: acute pain analgesia anesthesia orthopedics.
Type of Study:
Original |
Anesthesia and special care Received: 2010/05/29 | Published: 2010/02/15
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