Volume 30, Issue 2 (6-2006)                   Research in Medicine 2006, 30(2): 113-117 | Back to browse issues page

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Goiter survey and urinary iodine concentration in 7-10-year-old children, Kohkilouyeh-va-Bouyerahmad Province, 2001. Research in Medicine 2006; 30 (2) :113-117
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-7-en.html
Abstract:   (12323 Views)
Abstract: Background: Iodine deficiency disorder (IDD) is a worldwide health problem. Parts of Iran, such as Kohkilouyeh-va-Bouyerahmad, had been known as endemic areas for goiter. IDD was accepted as a priority health problem in our country and a National IDD Council was formed in 1989. This study was performed to evaluate the National IDD Council program in 2001 among 7-10-year-old children in Kohkilouyeh-va-Bouyerahmad province. Materials and methods: In this cross sectional study, 1200 children (M/F ratio=1), aged 7-10 years, were selected and grading of goiter was performed in accordance to the WHO criteria. Urinary samples were obtained from 120 children and urinary iodine was measured using digestion method. Results: Total prevalence of goiter was 7.7% (6.5% in girls and 8.7% in boys). The median urinary iodine was 17.7µg/dl. 84.7% had urinary iodine of more than 10µg/dl, while 14.3% had urinary iodine levels of <5µg/dl. None of the candidates has urinary iodine of less the 2µg/dl. There was no significant difference between sexes and urban or rural areas. Conclusion: Results have revealed that the total prevalence of goiter has significantly decreased among children in Kohkilouyeh-va-Bouyerahmad province, meanwhile, urinary iodine concentration of children has reached to WHO approved rate. Thus, Kohkilouyeh-va-Bouyerahmad province could be classified among "iodine-deficiency-free" areas in Iran.
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Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2006/10/16 | Published: 2006/06/15

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