Volume 34, Issue 1 (3-2010)                   Research in Medicine 2010, 34(1): 75-78 | Back to browse issues page

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Dibajnia P, Zeinalian P, Zahireddin A. Efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy in a case of conversion disorder associated with mood disorder. Research in Medicine 2010; 34 (1) :75-78
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-739-en.html
Department of Psychiatry, Research Center of Behavior Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University (M.C), Tehran, I.R. Iran , Azahiroddin@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (15525 Views)
Abstract Background: Conversion disorder is a type of disturbance in physical functions that does not conform to anatomical and physiological functions of central or peripheral nervous system. Being more common among adolescents, this disorder occurs following stress and results in disturbed organic functioning. Despite the high prevalence of its classic picture, this disorder also creates various uncommon clinical pictures and is often associated with the diagnosis of mood disorders, anxiety disorders and schizophrenia. Case Report: The reported case was an example of conversion disorder associated with mood disorder presenting with severe elbow and finger contractions of the left side that occurred following trauma to the same hand and was associated with mood swings, aggression and suicidal ideas. All symptoms improved following electroconvulsive therapy. Conclusion: In patients with physical symptoms and signs, looking for personal and social factors is very important. Moreover, evaluation of other concurrent psychiatric disorders and their treatment is worthwhile. Keywords: conversion disorder, mood disorder, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
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Type of Study: Case report |
Received: 2010/10/13 | Published: 2010/03/15

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