Halimi Asl A A, Jafari M, Sharifian M, Tabatabaie M T, Azargashb A. Diagnostic value of Procalcitonin in detection of acute pyelonephritis in children. Research in Medicine 2010; 34 (3) :168-171
Department of Pediatrics, Shodaye- Tajrish Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University, M.C., Tehran, Iran , Jafari.md.ped@gmail.com
Abstract: (13492 Views)
Background: In the absence of specific symptomology in children, the early diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis is a challenge, particularly during infancy. This study was performed to evaluate the diagnostic utility of serum procalcitonin levels in children with acute pyelonephritis..
Methods: Serum procalcitonin was measured with a rapid, semi-quantitative immune-chromatographic test in 56 children who presented with symptoms of UTI a level >0.5 ng/mL was considered abnormally elevated. A DMSA scan was done on all cases and the procalcitonin levels were compared with the DMSA study positive and negative predictive values, (ppv & npv), were determined.
Results: The procalcitonin test was positive in 43 of the 49 patients with a positive DMSA scan p.p.v. of the procalcitonin test was 95.3% n.p.v was 38.5%.
Conclusion: Procalcitonin test may be utilized as a sensitive marker for early diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis.
Keywords: Acute pyelonephritis, Procalcitonin, DMSA.
Type of Study:
Original |
Pediatrics Received: 2011/02/9 | Published: 2010/11/15
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