Department of Orthopedia, Akhtar Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University, M.C., Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (10919 Views)
Background: Gorham’s disease is rare and is associated with progressive bone destruction. The first case was reported in 1838 and until now 175 cases with Gorham's disease have been reported in the literature. In this article a patient with concurrent involvement of lumbar spine and trochanteric region is reported.
Case report: A 32 years old woman with intensive back pain and paraplegia was admitted to our center. Radiological and laboratory studies were done. Spinal x-rays revealed L3 collapse and a potential metastatic lesion in L3 and trochanteric region. Patient underwent cord decompression and stabilization of the spine and biopsy was done. Histological studies demonstrated that the lesion is due to Gorham's disease.
Conclusion: Gorham’s disease can involve spine and cause paraplegia and in this conditions, decompression can be helpful. Also, our case portrayed that this disease can involve distant bones concurrently.
Keywords: Gorham's disease, Osteolysis, Angiomatosis.
Type of Study:
Case report |
Orthopaedy Received: 2011/02/13 | Published: 2010/11/15
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