Volume 29, Issue 2 (6-2005)                   Research in Medicine 2005, 29(2): 169-173 | Back to browse issues page

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Frequency distribution of urinary and breast-milk iodine concentrations in postpartum period, Gorgan, 2003. Research in Medicine 2005; 29 (2) :169-173
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-142-en.html
Abstract:   (12325 Views)

 Background : are reliant on adequate maternal iodine intake. The aim of this study was to evaluate iodine sufficiency in lactating women in Iran .

 Materials and methods referred to the Taleghani Hospital of Gorgan between April and June 2003. Subjects were within the 1 st -6 th month of their postpartum period. Goiter was graded according to WHO classification. Spot urine ( 2-3 ml) and breast-milk (5-10 ml) samples were collected for the measurement of iodine concentrations using acid digestion method. Urine iodine concentrations ( UIC) of <100 and breast- milk iodine concentrations (MIC) of <50 µg/L were considered as iodine deficiency .

 Results : Mean ( ±SD) age of women was 25.6±1.6 years. 43% and 8% had grade 1 and 2 goiters, respectively. The median (range %95 CI) UIC was 259 µg/L (35-519 226-275). UIC of <100 µg/L was detected in 16%, 50-99 in 13% and 20-49 µg/L in 3%. Grade 1 and 2 goiters were present in 8% and 8% of mothers with UIC <100 µg/L, respectively. The median (range %95 CI) MIC was 93.5µg/L (17-696 97- 137). MIC of <50 µg/L was reported in 19%, 35-49 in 13%, 20-34 in 3%, and <20 µg/L in 3%. Grade 1 and 2 goiters were present in 11% and 8% of women with MIC <50 µg/L , respectively. MIC was significantly correlated with UIC levels (r=0.44 , p <0.0001). Meanwhile, there was a significant association between iodine-deficiency and goiter (p <0.0001).

 Conclusion : UIC and MIC levels show sufficient iodine supplementation in Gorgan. However, some infants remain at risk for low iodine intake via breast milk .

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Type of Study: General | Subject: Interdisciplinary (Educational Management, Educational research, Statistics, Medical education
Received: 2003/11/28 | Published: 2005/06/15

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