Volume 36, Issue 1 (6-2012)                   Research in Medicine 2012, 36(1): 54-57 | Back to browse issues page

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Asad Piranfar M, Niazi A, Valaei N, Pishgahi M. Frequency of CTnI index and related factors in patients with diastolic dysfunction AHF (PEF). Research in Medicine 2012; 36 (1) :54-57
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-1011-en.html
Research Center of Cardivascular Diseases, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , drpiranfar@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (10097 Views)
Abstract Background: Diastolic heart failure comprises 50 percent of cases of heart failure. The implications of increased levels of cardiac troponin I (CTnI) on congestive heart failure with preserved systolic function (AHF PEF) have been poorly evaluated. We hypothesized that its level might be elevated in AHF PEF so this evaluation was done in patients referred to Taleghani hospital with heart failure. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, patients with symptoms of acute heart failure according to Framingham criteria, with preserved systolic function & diastolic dysfunction in echocardiography were included. Measurement of CTnI in serum was performed with CTnI assay kit (Rapid test-SD-CTnI China) at admission & 6 hours later in blood samples. CTnI >0.01 ng/ml was interpreted as positive. Results: Study was done on 60 patient with AHF PEF mean age was 72±7 year (35 women, 5men) without acute and old MI, Rheumatic heart disease (RHD), cor pulmonale and with PPH and LVEF<45%. CTnI level was positive in 4 patients (6.7%) which was not significant. (p<0.05). Conclusion: According to our results there is no acceptable relation between CTnI level & AHF PEF in Iranian patients. We recommend another biomarker or CTnI kit for further evaluation. Keywords: CTnI, Acute heart failure preserved EF (AHF PEF), Left ventricular end systolic dimension (LVESD), Left ventricular end diastolic dimension (LVEDD), E/E¢ ratio, Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), Left ventricular septal thickness (LVST).
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Cardiology
Received: 2012/07/16 | Published: 2012/06/15

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