Volume 37, Issue 3 (11-2013)                   Research in Medicine 2013, 37(3): 164-170 | Back to browse issues page

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Lotfifar B, Karami A, Sharifi Daramadi P, Fathi M. Effectiveness of hypnotherapy on anxiety level. Research in Medicine 2013; 37 (3) :164-170
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-1212-en.html
MA of General Psychology, Shahroud Science and Research Campus, Shahroud, Iran , B.Lotfifar@gmail.com
Abstract:   (12268 Views)
Background: Due to the growing prevalence of the phenomena of anxiety and reports of successful treatment with hypnotherapy, this study was conducted because of the inadequate empirical research in this field in Iran. Materials and methods: The study was a clinical trial from patients of a clinic. 26 patients whom their anxiety disorders were identified through DSM-IV questioner participated in this study. Participants were randomly assigned in experimental and control conditions. Their anxiety was measured by Zung question. The rate of anxiety was similar in both groups. Hypnotherapy was conducts for case group during five weeks by a psychologist with master degree under controlled professor. At the end of fifth week, their anxiety was measured for the second time. Data were analyzed and compared using covariance test in two groups. Results: The experimental and control groups were similar in the 13-member that early anxiety’s control group and experimental group were 50.31± 11.45 and 59.12.±7.7 respectively (P<0.1). The anxiety after five weeks in the control group and hypnotherapy group were 58.10 ± 12.35 and 32.9 ±6.63 respectively. In the hypnotherapy group anxiety were significantly reduced (43.3 reduction) (P<0.000), but there was not any significant change in the level of anxiety in control group.
Conclusion: it seems that hypnotherapy can reduce anxiety and so it is a valuable treatment that can to be considered. 
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Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2014/01/13 | Accepted: 2014/01/13 | Published: 2014/01/13

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