Volume 28, Issue 2 (6-2004)                   Research in Medicine 2004, 28(2): 115-119 | Back to browse issues page

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Effects of balance and closed and opened chain exercises on properioception error of knee in healthy females. Research in Medicine 2004; 28 (2) :115-119
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-150-en.html
Abstract:   (14619 Views)

 Background: Injuries such as osteoarthritis may impair knee joint properioception that could result in further knee joint injuries. Different exercises are attempted to recover this sense so that favorable movement and stability can be achieved in different static and dynamic situations. Prior investigator  have recommended a combination of closed chain and balance exercise for the affected individuals, however, the exact course of treatment have not been yet clarified. The present study was conducted to compare 3 different exercise techniques (closed chain, opened chain and balance) on properioception error of knee joint in healthy females.

 Materials and methods: For this quasi-experimental study, 26 healthy female students of Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences were selected. Subjects were randomly assigned in 3 groups. The first group (9 subjects) had exercise on balance board, the second group (9 subjects) had closed chain exercise for knee joint and the last group (8 subjects) had opened chain exercise. Evaluation was achieved before, during, and after the exercise. A goniometer was used for properioception error measurement.

 Results: Following 10 exercise sessions, properioception error was significantly reduced in the first group, thus, balance exercise could improve knee joint position sense however, the other 2 techniques failed to show any significant reduction. Those who have greater error before the exercise have shown better outcome following the therapy.

 Conclusion: Balance exercise can be considered as an effective technique for repositioning of knee joint.

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Type of Study: General | Subject: Interdisciplinary (Educational Management, Educational research, Statistics, Medical education
Received: 2003/11/28 | Published: 2004/06/15

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