Volume 41, Issue 1 (4-2017)                   Research in Medicine 2017, 41(1): 56-61 | Back to browse issues page

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Kariman N, Fayazi S, Sheykhan Z. Investigating the attitude towards labor and preferred delivery method among midwifery and medical students and other related factors at medical universities in Tehran in 1393. Research in Medicine 2017; 41 (1) :56-61
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-1602-en.html
School of Nursing & Midwifery , n_kariman@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (6026 Views)

Background: Gynaecologists and midwives as a practical model of childbirth have an essential role in
education. The aim of this study was to determine the attitude toward labor and preferred delivery method
among midwifery and medical students and other related factors at medical universities in Tehran in 1393.
Methods: We carried out a descriptive study on 300 students of Medical Sciences Universities in Tehran
in 1393. For data collection tool we used two researcher made questionnaires contain “demographic
characteristics and related factors to the preferred mode of delivery“ and “attitude toward delivery mode”.
To investigate the reliability, two methods of test-retest and internal consistency (Cronbach’s Alpha) were
applied and the content validity was determined quantitatively and qualitatively. The data were analyzed by
SPSS-16 software. Statistical tests used included: chi-square, T-test, ANOVA or non-parametric equivalents
of them. The significance level accepted in this study was p-value>0.05.
Results: Most of the students (49%) preferred caesarean section for themselves. In comparison of 4 groups
first year midwifery (16.7%) and medical students (48.6%) had preferred caesarean less than fourth year
midwifery students (51.3%) and medical interns (%75.7). The majority of students had a positive attitude via
caesarean section. Therefore, the four study groups respectively 45.5%, 92.3%, 30.8% and 100% of first and
fourth year midwifery students and first year medical students and medical interns had a positive attitude
toward caesarean delivery. Among the relevant factors under investigation age, ethnicity, weight, body mass
index, birthplace, residence place and family income were significantly associated with the preferred mode
of delivery.
Conclusion: The caesarean section is preferred and a positive attitude towards it among midwifery and
medical students is very high and the education system authorities should create plans to improve students’

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Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2016/05/25 | Accepted: 2017/02/26 | Published: 2017/05/28

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