Akbari Sari A, Jaafaripooyan E, Gholami M. Study of the relationship between Health Transformation plan and amount of Cathlab room procedures in three hospitals, Tehran, Iran.. Research in Medicine 2018; 42 (3) :137-143
Tehran University of Medical Sciences , akbarisari@tums.ac.ir
Abstract: (3860 Views)
Background and Aim: Today, correct distribution of healthcare resources is a top priority in all societies. Countries reform their healthcare systems to improve quality and promote access to healthcare services. In this regard, controlling the amount of medical tests and procedures and reducing unnecessary procedures is an objective for healthcare systems. Cath labs are rooms that provide various and expensive medical procedures in hospitals. This article is proposed to determine the amount of medical tests and procedures and its relation to healthcare reform in Iran.
Materials and Methods: This study is aimed to figure the relationship between the amount of provided Cath lab`s tests and procedures and implementation of healthcare reform in three hospitals of ShahidBeheshti University of medical sciences.
In current Quantitative and before-after study, statistical data was gathered from 2012 to 2016. To analyze the information it was applied to the paired t-test to compare the quantitative variables before and after health transformation plan. To collect and analyze information Excel2013 and SPSS22 software were used.
Results: : results of this study showed significant increase in the amount of cardiology clinic admissions and hospitalization (p=0.0001). Also the amount of coronary angiography, angioplasty, CT-angiography, EPS-Ablation and pacemaker placement were increased right after health transformation plan (p=0.0001) and in the second year were slightly decreased. Results also showed the amount of CABG surgeries was not changed after the plan (p=0.238).
Conclusion: It seems that health transformation plan has made various factors that have affected the amount of provided Cath lab procedures which probably can also tend to unnecessary use of these services. Therefore monitoring and control these factors are important to achieve quality improvement, healthcare planning and avoiding unnecessary medical tests and procedures.
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Cardiology Received: 2017/10/21 | Accepted: 2018/07/22 | Published: 2018/10/1
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