Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (2076 Views)
The iodinated radiopaques are widely used in radiologicals procedures for their higher quality and for better pathological diagnosis. Since they are numerous and can lead to cellular toxicity and/or genotoxicity, this study was carried out to investigate the efficacy of two routine compounds, that is, urographin 76% and telbrix 38.
For this purpose, the metaphasic chromosomes of 30 patients undergoing brain computerized tumography by urographin 76% (n = 15) and telbrix 38% (n = 15) at two stages (before and 30 min after the injection of contrast medium) were prepared. Then, the cytogenetic effect of the procedure on lymphocytes was analyzed. In addition, the same protocol was used for 15 patients undergoing simple brain computerized tomography.
The results showed that both contrast mediums are able to induce chromosomal damages (P<0.05). In this regard, urographin had more ability in damage induction than telbrix 38, although this difference was not significant. Meanwhile, the radiological procedure itself did not had any effect if induction of damage. The chromosomal damages may be as a result of some structural changes.